The Beauty Forever Living Art Center [美麗永安生活館]  

A while ago, I went to the Beauty Forever Living Art Center to appreciate a famous Taiwanese artist Yang San-lang's and his wife's paintings. It's interesting to see their paintings. Their paintings were put on the wall together, so you could compare the difference between Yang San-lang's style and his wife's style.

前一陣子,我跑去美麗永安生活館欣賞台灣名畫家楊三郎跟他的妻子楊許玉燕的畫作。我從來都不知道原來楊三郎的妻子本身也是畫家耶。(可見偉人背後總有一個更偉大的女人支持著他,且這位偉大的人物總是不求分文。) 畫家伉儷的作品,相似度高不高呢? 去看就可見真章。而這回很幸運的,我們看到這對夫妻的畫作,可以馬上做比較。

In general, Yang San-lang's style reflects more reality than his wife's does. What I mean is that, his wife liked to add a bit romantic elements in her paintings. For instance, you could easily see flowers in her paintings.



In one painting, they both drew Basilique du Sacré-Coeur. You can see that in Yang San-lang's painting, there is a person on the right side and another on the left side. However, in Yang Hsu Yu Yuen's painting, you see that a couple was walking in the middle of road. You can't see anyone else, like no matter now loud the entire town is, you can only hear what your beloved one talking. Way too romantic.



About their love story: both Yang San Lang and his wife Yang Hsu Yu Yuen were from wealthy families. They met each other through an arranged marriage. Before they met each other, Yang Hsu Yu Yuen took violin lessons and oil painting lessons. She fell in love with western art instantly. The funny thing is, after Yang San Lang and Yang Hsu Yu Yuen got married, a traditional man like Yang San Lang didn't want his wife to spend too much time on painting. So, Yang Hsu Yu Yuen could only do the painting while her husband wasn't at home. She asked her then 3-year-old son to check out the window. If her husband was returning, her son would tell her. She would immediately tidy up her stuff. Haha. So, it's amusing that the happiest moment in Yang Hsu Yu Yuen's life was during the 3 years her husband was studying oil painting in France... Yang Hsu Yu Yuen could draw anytime she wanted to.



However, if you watch a video clip called "Artists' Love Story", you can see that Yang San Lang's grandson Christopher tells a different story from what I learned from this exhibition. I don't know which version is more true, but Christopher Yang made some points in his video clip. For example, he said that only when he got married, he realised how important to have a spouse to support you and share ups and downs in your life with.

I especially like what's written on the blog of the Beauty Forever Living Art Center. It says, "The exhibition shows you work the couple made after 1979. Yang San Lang became deaf then, but he and his wife still travelled to Europe, the USA and Japan to paint more work." The writer continued, "That makes me wonder Yang San Lang was thinking. When the entire world was quiet, his spouse was still there with him.  They watched the view, hand in hand, in the world of art." Sorry I can't do a better translation. The Chinese part is beautifully written, though.

這次展覽,我非常喜歡黃蘭燕在美麗永安部落格所撰寫的一篇文章「在藝術裡牽手—記『藝侶浮光—楊三郎與楊許玉燕紀念展』二、三事」,其中有一段文字,我非常喜歡。: 「此次展出許多1979年之後的作品,為楊三郎70歲時失聰後所創作,兩人仍時常至歐洲美國日本等地寫生,這又讓我們想像楊三郎先生的心境,當全世界都靜默下來,身邊的伴侶一直都在。他們在藝術的世界裡執子之手,共看一片人生風景。」

Although the exhibition at the Beauty Forever Living Art Center was over, you can still pop in Yang San Lang Art Museum to enjoy the great artists' paintings.



If you're interested, you can watch this video clip about Yang Sanlang and his wife:
Artists' Love Story (no subtitles)


Beauty Forever Living Art Center

交通:捷運 永安市場站2樓
週一~週五 09:00-17:00
週六、週日 09:00-18:00
