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夜恨 (Sex by Night)





吳璇京 劉小明

鷺 菁 蘇金龍

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Betty lost her father when she was very young, her mother was handling their business for living. After a few year, due to the failure in the factor of finance, their house should be mortgage. Then her mother was got seriously ill and passed away. Betty's boy friend Chien Hwa is an orphan, he is a part-time student, Betty love him very much and treat him just like fiancé. In a year later, Betty was graduated from the university and her house's creditor Mr.Loh to give her a job as personal secretary and work in his company. On a dark night, when Mrs.Loh returned to her home town, there was heavy storm Mr.Loh come over to her room and took her virginity. From then on, he kept tangling Betty without release.

Chien Hwa was hurted, he was very angry and leave but he has determined to struggle on for redeem the house to Betty that which he was promised her mother before.

No longer, their relationship between Mr.Loh and Betty soon be learned by Mrs.Loh, she lost her job and should be left from Leh's family and become a songstress. On another side Chien Hwa have made a very successful, he was the chairman of the Chen's industrial company and he keep his words to redeemed Betty's house but he didn't find where is Betty.

Betty was very sick and stay in a hospital, only Mrs.Loh know she was down in heart and she need Chien Hwa, so Mrs.Loh told them the truth, and finally Betty was in Chien Hwa arms.


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Edited by Evance
