



「我很在意這張專輯的次序,Another Lonely Night是關於孤寂,渴望、想念某人。緊接著是Underground,一開始是關於你離我而去..你不在我身邊了。而且為什麼我會這麼渴望你? 我沉迷於你、緊緊的被你牽住了。這張專輯是關於尋找讓我們High的事情,但underground,則是關於渴望的。」


我覺得這首其實很好聽.. 可能不見得會是最受歡迎 最紅的歌 但是歌詞和旋律之間的悲傷和情感 其實表現的很好 :)




When you're gone 當你離我而去時,

When you're gone, it's like I'm in one second in time 你告別時,我的時間凍結在那一瞬間

I'm frozen 動彈不得

When you're gone 當你離開我

When you're gone, it's like I lost one half of my mind 在你遠走之際,我的心缺了一半

Stolen 遺失在偷竊之手


Cause nobody feels you like I do 沒有人像我一樣對你瞭若指掌

Nobody kills me like you do 沒有人能像你這樣使我遍體鱗傷

Nothing I take can ever cut through 不管我怎麼努力就是放不了

I'm in trouble 我深陷桎梏

I look at myself and I don't know 我看著自己 卻不明白

How I'm stuck to you like velcro 我怎麼會被你牢牢套住

Can't rip you off and go solo 無法擺脫你的束縛 獨自向前

I'm in trouble 我哪也去不了


[Chorus x2:]

I'm hooked on how you made 你把我牽制在你的渲染下

Me hooked, I'm gonna say it straight 我被牢牢套住,就直說了吧

I want you, I need you 我渴望你,我需要你

I want you to take me underground 我想要你帶我進入你的內心

I'm hooked; I can't cut you off 我被緊緊拴在你身邊,想斷開鎖鏈卻斷不了

In my blood; I'm gonna say it now 這情感竄流在我體內;我現在就要告訴你:

I want you, I need you 我渴望你,我需要你

I want you to take me underground 我想要和你更進一步


When you go 你遠走時

When you go, it's like I put my life on the line 當你一離開,我就好像在鋼絲上挺而走險

It's over 一切都完蛋了

When you go 你遠走時

When you go, I'm tripping but I'm pretending I'm fine 當你一離開,我縱使受挫卻仍強顏歡笑

So dumb 怎麼會這麼蠢呢


Cause nobody feels you like I do 但沒有人像我一樣瞭解你的每個心思

Nobody kills me like you do 除了你沒有人能讓我的心這樣淌血

Nothing I take can ever cut through 我怎麼樣都過不了這個關

I'm in trouble 我陷在麻煩之中

I look at myself and I don't know 我看著我自己 卻想不通

How I'm stuck to you like velcro 我怎麼會讓自己被你吃得死死的

Can't rip you off and go solo 沒辦法甩開與你之間的牽絆,獨自向前是天方夜譚

I'm in trouble 我正往麻煩下墜


[Chorus x2]


You got me hooked on you 你把我緊緊的繫在你身邊

Now I'm in trouble 我卻惹得一身腥

Trouble, trouble, yeah 真是麻煩,大麻煩


[Chorus x2]



如有錯誤 煩請多指教囉! :)
