Pure Python

  • 常見工具安裝

mkvirtualenv ScientificPy2 -p python2
pip install -r requirements.txt



  • Types

a = 2 # integer
b = 5.0 # float
c = 8.3e5 # exponential
d = 1.5 + 0.5j # complex
e = 4 > 5 # boolean
f = word # string

  • Lists

a = [red, blue, green] # manually initialization
b = list(range(5)) # initialize from iteratable
c = [nu**2 for nu in b] # list comprehension
d = [nu**2 for nu in b if nu < 3] # conditioned list comprehension
e = c[0] # access element
f = c[1:2] # access a slice of the list
g = c[-1] # access last element
h = [re, bl] + [gr] # list concatenation
i = [re] * 5 # repeat a list
[re, bl].index(re) # returns index of re
a.append(yellow) # add new element to end of list
a.extend(b) # add elements from list `b` to end of list `a`
a.insert(1, yellow) # insert element in specified position
re in [re, bl] # true if re in list
fi not in [re, bl] # true if fi not in list
sorted([3, 2, 1]) # returns sorted list
a.pop(2) # remove and return item at index (default last)

  • Dictionaries

a = {red: rouge, blue: bleu} # dictionary
b = a[red] # translate item
red in a # true if dictionary a contains key red
c = [value for key, value in a.items()] # loop through contents
d = a.get(yellow, no translation found) # return default
a.setdefault(extra, []).append(cyan) # init key with default
a.update({green: vert, brown: brun}) # update dictionary by data from another one
a.keys() # get list of keys
a.values() # get list of values
a.items() # get list of key-value pairs
del a[red] # delete key and associated with it value
a.pop(blue) # remove specified key and return the corresponding value

  • Sets

a = {1, 2, 3} # initialize manually
b = set(range(5)) # initialize from iteratable
a.add(13) # add new element to set
a.discard(13) # discard element from set
a.update([21, 22, 23]) # update set with elements from iterable
a.pop() # remove and return an arbitrary set element
2 in {1, 2, 3} # true if 2 in set
5 not in {1, 2, 3} # true if 5 not in set
a.issubset(b) # test whether every element in a is in b
a <= b # issubset in operator form
a.issuperset(b) # test whether every element in b is in a
a >= b # issuperset in operator form
a.intersection(b) # return the intersection of two sets as a new set
a.difference(b) # return the difference of two or more sets as a new set
a - b # difference in operator form
a.symmetric_difference(b) # return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set
a.union(b) # return the union of sets as a new set
c = frozenset() # the same as set but immutable

  • Strings

a = red # assignment
char = a[2] # access individual characters
red + blue # string concatenation
1, 2, three.split(,) # split string into list
..join([1, 2, three]) # concatenate list into string

  • Operators

a = 2 # assignment
a += 1 (*=, /=) # change and assign
3 + 2 # addition
3 / 2 # integer (python2) or float (python3) division
3 // 2 # integer division
3 * 2 # multiplication
3 ** 2 # exponent
3 % 2 # remainder
abs(a) # absolute value
1 == 1 # equal
2 > 1 # larger
2 < 1 # smaller
1 != 2 # not equal
1 != 2 and 2 < 3 # logical AND
1 != 2 or 2 < 3 # logical OR
not 1 == 2 # logical NOT
a in b # test if a is in b
a is b # test if objects point to the same memory (id)

  • Control Flow

# if/elif/else
a, b = 1, 2
if a + b == 3:
elif a + b == 1:

# for
a = [red, blue, green]
for color in a:

# while
number = 1
while number < 10:
number += 1

# break
number = 1
while True:
number += 1
if number > 10:

# continue
for i in range(20):
if i % 2 == 0:

  • Functions, Classes, Generators, Decorators

# Function groups code statements and possibly
# returns a derived value
def myfunc(a1, a2):
return a1 + a2

x = myfunc(a1, a2)

# Class groups attributes (data)
# and associated methods (functions)
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x
def __call__(self):

x = Point(3)

# Generator iterates without
# creating all values at once
def firstn(n):
num = 0
while num < n:
yield num
num += 1

x = [i for i in firstn(10)]

# Decorator can be used to modify
# the behaviour of a function
class myDecorator(object):
def __init__(self, f):
self.f = f
def __call__(self):

def my_funct():



  • console

<object>? # Information about the object
<object>.<TAB> # tab completion

# run scripts / profile / debug
%run myscript.py

%timeit range(1000) # measure runtime of statement
%run -t myscript.py # measure script execution time

%prun <statement> # run statement with profiler
%prun -s <key> <statement> # sort by key, e.g. "cumulative" or "calls"
%run -p myfile.py # profile script

%run -d myscript.py # run script in debug mode
%debug # jumps to the debugger after an exception
%pdb # run debugger automatically on exception

# examine history
%history ~1/1-5 # lines 1-5 of last session

# run shell commands
!make # prefix command with "!"

# clean namespace

# run code from clipboard

  • debugger

n # execute next line
b 42 # set breakpoint in the main file at line 42
b myfile.py:42 # set breakpoint in myfile.py at line 42
c # continue execution
l # show current position in the code
p data # print the data variable
pp data # pretty print the data variable
s # step into subroutine
a # print arguments that a function received
pp locals() # show all variables in local scope
pp globals() # show all variables in global scope

  • command line

ipython --pdb -- myscript.py argument1 --option1 # debug after exception
ipython -i -- myscript.py argument1 --option1 # console after finish


  • array initialization

np.array([2, 3, 4]) # direct initialization
np.empty(20, dtype=np.float32) # single precision array of size 20
np.zeros(200) # initialize 200 zeros
np.ones((3,3), dtype=np.int32) # 3 x 3 integer matrix with ones
np.eye(200) # ones on the diagonal
np.zeros_like(a) # array with zeros and the shape of a
np.linspace(0., 10., 100) # 100 points from 0 to 10
np.arange(0, 100, 2) # points from 0 to <100 with step 2
np.logspace(-5, 2, 100) # 100 log-spaced from 1e-5 -> 1e2
np.copy(a) # copy array to new memory

  • indexing

a = np.arange(100) # initialization with 0 - 99
a[:3] = 0 # set the first three indices to zero
a[2:5] = 1 # set indices 2-4 to 1
a[:-3] = 2 # set all but last three elements to 2
a[start:stop:step] # general form of indexing/slicing
a[None, :] # transform to column vector
a[[1, 1, 3, 8]] # return array with values of the indices
a = a.reshape(10, 10) # transform to 10 x 10 matrix
a.T # return transposed view
b = np.transpose(a, (1, 0)) # transpose array to new axis order
a[a < 2] # values with elementwise condition

  • array properties and operations

a.shape # a tuple with the lengths of each axis
len(a) # length of axis 0
a.ndim # number of dimensions (axes)
a.sort(axis=1) # sort array along axis
a.flatten() # collapse array to one dimension
a.conj() # return complex conjugate
a.astype(np.int16) # cast to integer
a.tolist() # convert (possibly multidimensional) array to list
np.argmax(a, axis=1) # return index of maximum along a given axis
np.cumsum(a) # return cumulative sum
np.any(a) # True if any element is True
np.all(a) # True if all elements are True
np.argsort(a, axis=1) # return sorted index array along axis
np.where(cond) # return indices where cond is True
np.where(cond, x, y) # return elements from x or y depending on cond

  • boolean arrays

a < 2 # returns array with boolean values
(a < 2) & (b > 10) # elementwise logical and
(a < 2) | (b > 10) # elementwise logical or
~a # invert boolean array

  • elementwise operations and math functions

a * 5 # multiplication with scalar
a + 5 # addition with scalar
a + b # addition with array b
a / b # division with b (np.NaN for division by zero)
np.exp(a) # exponential (complex and real)
np.power(a, b) # a to the power b
np.sin(a) # sine
np.cos(a) # cosine
np.arctan2(a, b) # arctan(a/b)
np.arcsin(a) # arcsin
np.radians(a) # degrees to radians
np.degrees(a) # radians to degrees
np.var(a) # variance of array
np.std(a, axis=1) # standard deviation

  • inner/ outer products

np.dot(a, b) # inner product: a_mi b_in
np.einsum(ij,kj->ik, a, b) # einstein summation convention
np.sum(a, axis=1) # sum over axis 1
np.abs(a) # return absolute values
a[None, :] + b[:, None] # outer sum
a[None, :] * b[:, None] # outer product
np.outer(a, b) # outer product
np.sum(a * a.T) # matrix norm

  • linear algebra/ matrix math

evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(a) # Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(a) # np.linalg.eig for hermitian matrix

  • reading/ writing files

np.loadtxt(fname/fobject, skiprows=2, delimiter=,) # ascii data from file
np.savetxt(fname/fobject, array, fmt=%.5f) # write ascii data
np.fromfile(fname/fobject, dtype=np.float32, count=5) # binary data from file
np.tofile(fname/fobject) # write (C) binary data
np.save(fname/fobject, array) # save as numpy binary (.npy)
np.load(fname/fobject, mmap_mode=c) # load .npy file (memory mapped)

  • interpolation, integration, optimization

np.trapz(a, x=x, axis=1) # integrate along axis 1
np.interp(x, xp, yp) # interpolate function xp, yp at points x
np.linalg.lstsq(a, b) # solve a x = b in least square sense

  • fft

np.fft.fft(a) # complex fourier transform of a
f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(a)) # fft frequencies
np.fft.fftshift(f) # shifts zero frequency to the middle
np.fft.rfft(a) # real fourier transform of a
np.fft.rfftfreq(len(a)) # real fft frequencies

  • rounding

np.ceil(a) # rounds to nearest upper int
np.floor(a) # rounds to nearest lower int
np.round(a) # rounds to neares int

  • random variables

from np.random import normal, seed, rand, uniform, randint
normal(loc=0, scale=2, size=100) # 100 normal distributed
seed(23032) # resets the seed value
rand(200) # 200 random numbers in [0, 1)
uniform(1, 30, 200) # 200 random numbers in [1, 30)
randint(1, 16, 300) # 300 random integers in [1, 16)


  • figures and axes

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2)) # initialize figure
fig.savefig(out.png) # save png image
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(5, 5)) # fig and 5 x 2 nparray of axes
ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 2) # add second subplot in a 3 x 2 grid
ax = plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0), colspan=2) # multi column/row axis
ax = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) # add custom axis

  • figures and axes properties

fig.suptitle(title) # big figure title
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9, wspace=0.2,
hspace=0.5) # adjust subplot positions
fig.tight_layout(pad=0.1, h_pad=0.5, w_pad=0.5,
rect=None) # adjust subplots to fit into fig
ax.set_xlabel(xbla) # set xlabel
ax.set_ylabel(ybla) # set ylabel
ax.set_xlim(1, 2) # sets x limits
ax.set_ylim(3, 4) # sets y limits
ax.set_title(blabla) # sets the axis title
ax.set(xlabel=bla) # set multiple parameters at once
ax.legend(loc=upper center) # activate legend
ax.grid(True, which=both) # activate grid
bbox = ax.get_position() # returns the axes bounding box
bbox.x0 + bbox.width # bounding box parameters

  • plotting routines

ax.plot(x,y, -o, c=red, lw=2, label=bla) # plots a line
ax.scatter(x,y, s=20, c=color) # scatter plot
ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, zz, shading=gouraud) # fast colormesh
ax.colormesh(xx, yy, zz, norm=norm) # slower colormesh
ax.contour(xx, yy, zz, cmap=jet) # contour lines
ax.contourf(xx, yy, zz, vmin=2, vmax=4) # filled contours
n, bins, patch = ax.hist(x, 50) # histogram
ax.imshow(matrix, origin=lower,
extent=(x1, x2, y1, y2)) # show image
ax.specgram(y, FS=0.1, noverlap=128,
scale=linear) # plot a spectrogram
ax.text(x, y, string, fontsize=12, color=m) # write text


  • interpolation

# interpolate data at index positions:
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
pts_new = map_coordinates(data, float_indices, order=3)

# simple 1d interpolator with axis argument:
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
interpolator = interp1d(x, y, axis=2, fill_value=0., bounds_error=False)
y_new = interpolator(x_new)

  • Integration

from scipy.integrate import quad # definite integral of python
value = quad(func, low_lim, up_lim) # function/method

  • linear algebra

from scipy import linalg
evals, evecs = linalg.eig(a) # Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
evals, evecs = linalg.eigh(a) # linalg.eig for hermitian matrix
b = linalg.expm(a) # Matrix exponential
c = linalg.logm(a) # Matrix logarithm


  • Data structures

s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(1000), index=range(1000)) # series
index = pd.date_range("13/06/2016", periods=1000) # time index
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1000, 3)), index=index,
columns=["A", "B", "C"]) # DataFrame

  • DataFrame

df = pd.read_csv("filename.csv") # read and load CSV file in a DataFrame
raw = df.values # get raw data out of DataFrame object
cols = df.columns # get list of columns headers
df.dtypes # get data types of all columns
df.head(5) # get first 5 rows
df.describe() # get basic statisitics for all columns
df.index # get index column range

#column slicin
# (.loc[] and .ix[] are inclusive of the range of values selected)
df.col_name # select column values as a series by column name (not optimized)
df[[col_name]] # select column values as a dataframe by column name (not optimized)
df.loc[:, col_name] # select column values as a series by column name
df.loc[:, [col_name]] # select column values as a dataframe by column name
df.iloc[:, 0] # select by column index
df.iloc[:, [0]] # select by column index, but as a dataframe
df.ix[:, col_name] # hybrid approach with column name
df.ix[:, 0] # hybrid approach with column index

# row slicin
print(df[:2]) # print first 2 rows of the dataframe
df.iloc[0:2, :] # select first 2 rows of the dataframe
df.loc[0:2,col_name] # select first 3 rows of the dataframe
df.loc[0:2, [col_name1, col_name3, col_name6]] # select first 3 rows of the 3 different columns
df.iloc[0:2,0:2] # select fisrt 3 rows and first 3 columns
# Again, .loc[] and .ix[] are inclusive

# Dicin
df[ df.col_name < 7 ] # select all rows where col_name < 7
df[ (df.col_name1 < 7) & (df.col_name2 == 0) ] # combine multiple boolean indexing conditionals using bit-wise logical operators.
# Regular Python boolean operators (and, or) cannot be used here.
# Be sure to encapsulate each conditional in parenthesis to make this work.
df[df.recency < 7] = -100 # writing to slice

