
平價百元彩妝NYX新歡分享Get ready with NYX make up




As a shop holic, I should not kill my time in department store. Although I couldn't help but attracted and bring something back with me most of the time. :P

Mr Monkey used to tell me: Hey bae, you don't have to spend all of your money before you come home. lol

Anyway, let's get ready with these NYX primer, foundation, brow brush and foundation brush, which I just purchased yesterday.



也是因為這樣,昨天才會被這飾底乳給燒到啊~ 專業棚拍妝前乳NT$600

 I have allergy problem recently, due to season change, period and moving. That's why this PHOTO-LOVING PRIMER(NT$600) got my eye when I tired on my skin yesterday.



Following are the before/ after photos of applying primer. The green color corrected my reddness and uneven skin tone. The silica ingrediant smoothed my pore and rash.



Then I applied the HD STUDIO PHOTOGENIC FOUNDATION NT$720 with #03 Brush NT$660.



I really like the flawless look this brush brought me. With the moistrizing foundation and well coverage, it gave me a very nice and sheen look.


I have used this TINTED BROW POMADE NT$280 for a while. I was using my MAC #208, however it's a bit small and took me longer to complete eyebrow look. That's why I decided to try NYX#18 NT$500.



This brow pomade gave me a really nature look. Not only sculpted my brow shape pretty well, but colored it easily. It also very long wearing. When I wore this brow pomade to walk my dog in summer, I sweated a lot, and my brows still keep well. As to the angle brush, it's very easy to apply the pomade. However the screw brush part is kinda hard.

眼妝以及修容的部分,我還沒入手NYX的產品就直接略過來到打亮啦!這顆也是我入手一陣子的獨角獸魔幻光打亮粉餅#2 NT$420,是紫色金屬光感,手部試色則是與Colourpop的對照圖!

Since I don't have any eyeshadow and bronzer of NYX, let's jump into highlighter. I really like this DUO CHROMATIC ILLUMINATING POWDER #2 (NT$420), which has a beautiful unicorn metallic purple sheen.

不知大家是否看得出臉頰上的那道光,其實不會紫的很誇張,但就是隨著角度會有不同的光感,真的很美 只是鼻樑的部分我喜歡比較自然的感覺,所以我選擇用Colourpop香檳色的這款!基本上這兩款都不是亮片很大顆的類型,我覺得在肌膚紋理上不會非常突顯,大推啊~~~

Not sure if you guys can tell the light on my cheek?! Isn't that stunning? I mainly applied NYX highlighter on my cheek bone, and colourpop super shock champagne tone highlighter on my nose to create nature glow. These 2 highlighters are not chunky but very smooth and metallic, which can create aa nice sheeny look.

最後來到脣妝,這款也是我入手一陣子的棉花糖柔霧脣釉#02 NT$280,我選擇的是霧面偏鮭魚裸的顏色,質地就如棉花糖一樣非常輕盈而且滑順,不太顯脣紋,滿遮脣色的,持久度就還好了,不過我覺得還好的是持久度也不是這款的強項呀!

Last, this SOFT MATTE LIP CREAM#02 NT$280, which is soft, light and smooth as its name. Eventhough it's not very long wearing, I still like the nude and samon pink look on me.


Hope you guys enjoy my makeup try out article. Please message me if any comment or question. See ya

