
彩妝控之修容新歡分享Kevyn Aucoin The Neo-Trio Palette & Sculpting Powder Swatches


廢話不多說立刻進入主題,就是這組來自美國彩妝大師Keyvn Aucoin同名品牌的漸層修容組以及修容粉!!!(覺得整個畫面閃閃發光,自己都要被這組美哭

Happy 2018!!! I would like to share my new make up babies' swatches with you guys, which are The Neo-Trio Palette & Sculpting Powder from Kevyn Aucoin

Guys!!! Look at them... aren't they stunning?!

Kevyn Aucoin一直是各界彩妝師以及美妝部落客的愛用品牌,尤其是有修容神器之稱的修容粉(The Sculpting Contour Powder)以及遮蝦膏(The Sensual Skin Enhancer)是幾乎所有彩妝控必備單品!但礙於本人有選色障礙,這次還無法下手遮瑕膏的部分啊... 倒是漸層打亮跟修容盤從2017年夏天在美國Sephora看到就在觀望,只是單品價格未稅要US$58讓我遲遲下不了手。

直到年底在臺灣亂逛Cult Beauty看到這組定妝(上圖白色,其實比較像打亮,讓我後面再詳細說明)、打亮(上圖紫色)與修容(上圖橘紅色)的縮小版組合(每盒7g,正貨單品是21g),扣稅後是38.33英鎊,約NT$1,572。


Kevyn Aucoin has been popular among hollywood celebrities, youtubers, makeup artists etc. for a long time. Especially The Sculpting Contour Powder  and The Sensual Skin Enhancer. After the crazy year end promotion from every beauty website, I decided to purchase The Neo-Trio Palette, which I have kept my eye on it for a while, and The Sculpting Powder from Cultbeauty. However, I didn't purchase The Sensual Skin Enhancer since there is no physical store in Taiwan to try the color.  Let's take a look at the swatches on my arm below. Each of them feels so creamy and soft, also very pigmenting. Love it!!!



Let's take a look before contour, brush, bronzer and highlighting.


I sculpted my nose, sides and the edges of my face with The Sculpting Contour Powder to make my face more stand out.


Then I used The Neo-Bronzer as brush and bronzer on my cheeck bone. And I highlighted with The Neo-Limelight on top of my cheeck bone to enhance the glowy look on my skin. Furthermore, I took The Neo-Setting Powder, which is super shiny, as a highlighter to put on top of my cheeck bone and nose to highlight the shine on my face.


This is my finished look! I like the glowy and shine on my face A LOT!!!(Although it's hard to fully show on the picture, I have tried...)


This wraps up my first make up swatches article. Hope you guys enjoy it. Please message me if any comments or questions. See ya~


