
英文俚語: 「Do as …」 實用句子

英文俚語: 「Do as …」 實用句子

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

「Do as…」 這片語配搭很多其他詞句來運用, 這裡介紹一些常用的句子.

A. 一個(暴徒)1(走前他身旁)2, (拔出一把刀子)3, 說: 「(依照我所說去做, 不然後果堪虞)4.」: A thug1 (walked up to him)2, (pulled out a knife)3, and said: 「(Do as I say, or else)4!」

評論: 這是一個常見的警告式詞句「do as I say, or else」, 注意是雖然「or else」表面只是 「不然」, 但暗示的是「後果堪虞」;留意:3. pulled out a knife: 拔出一把刀子4. Do as I say, or else: 依照我所說去做, 不然後果堪虞

B. (成功生意人)1的一個(共同點)2是他們所有人都有(超卓)3的(自信心)4, 但(不幸地)5它有時可能(轉變)6為(「依照我所說去做」)7(心態)8的(自我為重)9(傲慢)10: A commonality2 of (successful businessmen)1 is they all have superb3 self-confidence4, but unfortunately5 sometimes it could mutate6 into egotistical9 arrogance10 of (「do as I say」)7 mentality8.



留意:2. commonality: 共同點3. superb: 超卓4. self-confidence: 自信心6. mutate: 轉變7. 「do as I say」: 「依照我所說去做」8. mentality: 心態9. egotistical: 自我為重10. arrogance: 傲慢

C. 那母親(終於)1(不能再容忍/ditto)2她(不服從的)3孩子(不要上床睡覺)4, 以一個(嚴厲)5的(語氣)6說: 「(孩子們)7, (跟我吩咐去做)8上床睡覺, 我(而且)9不要從你們聽到任何(<不尊重的說話>10a/<自以為是的言詞/ditto>10b/ <無禮回駁/ditto>10c/<借口>10d): The mother finally1 (lost patience/got fed up)2 with her insubordinate3 children (not wanting to go to bed)4, and said with a harsh5 tone6: 「Kids7, (do as I say)8, and go to bed. I don』t want to hear any (<smart talks>10a/<smartass remarks/smart alec remarks>10b/ <talking back/back talk>10c/<excuses>10d) from you either9.」

評論:這是母親不耐煩地命令孩子們照她去做上床睡覺的說法留意:2. lost patience/got fed up: 不能再容忍3. insubordinate: 不服從的5. harsh: 嚴厲6. tone: 語氣8. do as I say: 跟我吩咐去做10a. smart talks: 不尊重的說話

10b. smartass remarks/smart alec remarks: 自以為是的言詞

10c. talking back/back talk: 無禮回駁10d. excuses: 借口

D. 一個快速的方法去(融合)1在一個你(去適應)2的新國家是(跟隨)3(明智的勸告)4: 「(入鄉隨俗)5.」: A quick way to merge1 into the culture of a new country that you (settle in)2 is to follow3 the (sage advice)4: 「(When in Rome, do as the Romans do)5.」

評論:引用一句英文成語入鄉隨俗依照本地人去做來適應新搬去的新國家留意:1. merge: 融合2. settle in: 去適應4. sage advice: 明智的勸告

5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do: 入鄉隨俗

E. (時裝)1是一個(高風險)2的(生意)3, 很多(設計家)4(滿意)5(跟隨)6(潮流)7(採納)8(模仿他人)9的(處理方法)10: Fashion1 is a risky2 business3, and many designers4 are (content with)5 adopting8 a (「monkey see monkey do」)9 approach10 and following6 the trend7.

評論:引用一句常用模仿他人詞語「monkey see monkey do」來形容時裝界一些設計師的做法, 注意 「monkey see, monkey do」是不依照英文正當文法寫成 「monkey sees, monkey does」留意:2. risky: 高風險5. content with: 滿意7. trend: 潮流8. adopting: 採納9. 「monkey see monkey do」: 模仿他人

10. approach: 處理方法

F. 我認為(<有闖勁>1a/<自信地強求他人>1b/<中庸之道>1c/<抑制態度的/ditto>1d)處理方法會使他(<順從我們的方法>2a/<遵從我們的指令>2b): I think only (<an aggressive>1a/<an assertive>1b/<a middle-of-the-road>1c/<a low-key/a subdued>1d) approach would make him (<see things our way>2a/<do as we say>2b).

評論:介紹幾個不同硬度方法來使他人順從你們的指令 留意:1a. aggressive: 有闖勁1b. assertive: 自信地強求他人1c. a middle-of-the-road: 中庸之道1d. a low-key/a subdued: 抑制態度2a. see things our way: 順從我們的方法

2b. do as we say: 遵從我們的指令



