
How do you feel? 你覺得怎麼樣?

sad 難過的
Are you sad?

feel 覺得;感覺
How do you feel today?

feelings 感受;情感;感情
You care about other people's feelings.
I don't want to hurt your feelings.

unhappy 不開心

care 在乎
Lulu cares about her friends.

excited 感到興奮的
I'm so excited!

I feel + 形容詞(adj) + today.
I feel good today.
I feel unhappy today.
I feel excited today.

I was a little mean.
He is so mean.

Our first date was one month ago.(一個月前)
three years ago. 動詞要記得用過去式。

Now I feel bad.

I have  special plans. 我有特別的計畫

We both have  special plans.


source from : Let's talk in English 2012/11/5
