
2011維也納新年音樂會-視頻和曲目單New Years Concert 2011_愛樂...

新年是全世界人民共同的節日。人們慶祝新年的方式有各種各樣,但世界各大城市都不約而同地會有一場高水準的音樂會,在輕鬆美妙的音樂中宣告新的一年的開始。2011年維也納新年音樂會,Franz Welser-M?st (弗朗茲·威爾瑟-莫斯特) & Wiener Philharmoniker -《2011年維也納新年音樂會》(New Year"s Concert by Viener Philharmonic Orchestra 2011)新年音樂起源新年舉行音樂會的傳統源自維也納。時至今日,每年一度的維也納新年音樂會仍是世界最引人注目的年度音樂盛會,全球絕大部分電視台和電台都進行現場直播,聽眾數以千萬。每年的維也納新年音樂會的票都要提前幾年預訂,音樂會的CD和錄像資料的發行權都是各唱片公司爭奪的焦點,因為它意味著崇高的聲譽和豐厚的商業利潤。中國中央電視台於1996年以後一直派專題攝製組去維也納現場直播,使國人對維也納和新年音樂會有了更多的了解。每年的1月1日上午,奧地利首都維也納的「維也納音樂之友協會」大廳——富麗堂皇的維也納金色大廳被鮮花裝點得分外秀麗,維也納新年音樂會在全球的矚目下舉行,演出的曲目是被稱為「圓舞曲之王」的小約翰?施特勞斯及其家族的音樂作品,由世界歷史最悠久、素質最高超的樂團——維也納愛樂樂團演奏。新年音樂會展示的是人類最文明、最歡快、最明亮的側面,高雅、輕鬆、豪華、熱烈是維也納新年音樂會的最大特點。2011年維也納新年音樂會圖片


指揮:Franz Welser-M?st (弗朗茲·威爾瑟-莫斯特)2011年維也納新年音樂會曲目單音樂會 上半場Johann Strauss II - Reiter-Marsch; op. 428約翰·施特勞斯 騎兵進行曲,作品第428號Johann Strauss II - Donauweibchen; Walzer; op. 427約翰·施特勞斯 多瑙河女妖圓舞曲,作品第427號Johann Strauss II - Amazonen Polka;op. 9約翰·施特勞斯 亞馬遜女戰士波爾卡,作品第9號Johann Strauss II - Debut Quadrille; op. 2約翰·施特勞斯 首次登場四對舞,作品第2號Josef Lanner - Die Schonbrunner; Walzer; op. 200約瑟夫·蘭納 美泉宮的人們圓舞曲,作品第200號Johann Strauss II - Muthig Voran! Polka schnell; op.432約翰·施特勞斯 勇往直前快速波爾卡,作品第432號音樂會 下半場Johann Strauss II - Csárdás aus "Ritter Pasman"; op. 441-1約翰·施特勞斯 查爾達什舞曲(選自輕歌劇《騎士帕斯曼》)Johann Strauss II - Abschieds Rufe Walzer; op. 179約翰·施特勞斯 告別之聲圓舞曲,作品第179號Johann Strauss I - Furioso-Galopp; op. 114老約翰·施特勞斯 激情加洛普,作品第114號Franz Liszt - Mephisto Walzer No.1弗朗茨·李斯特 梅菲斯托圓舞曲,第一號Josef Strauss - Aus der Ferne; Polka Mazur; op. 270約瑟夫·施特勞斯 來自遠方瑪祖卡波爾卡,作品第270號Johann Strauss II - Spanischer Marsch; op. 433約翰·施特勞斯 西班牙人進行曲,作品第433號Joseph Hellmesberger jun. - Gypsy Dance, from "The Pearl of Iberia"小約瑟夫·赫爾梅斯伯格 吉普賽舞曲Johann Strauss I - Chachucha-Galopp; op. 97老約翰·施特勞斯 卡楚恰加洛普,作品第97號Josef Strauss - Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb" und Lust; Walzer; op. 263約瑟夫·施特勞斯 我的經歷是愛情和歡樂圓舞曲,作品第263號Eduard Strauss - Ohne Aufenthalt, Polka-schnell;op.112愛德華·施特勞斯 永不休止快速波爾卡,作品第112號音樂會 加演曲目Johann Strauss II - An der schonen blauen Donau; Walzer; op. 314約翰·施特勞斯 藍色多瑙河圓舞曲,作品第314號Johann Strauss I - Radetzky-Marsch; op. 228老約翰·施特勞斯 拉德斯基進行曲,作品第228號2011年維也納新年音樂會視頻和CD下載音樂會 上半場視頻2010年維也納新年音樂會視頻:

【視頻說明1:Johann Strauss II - Die Fledermaus; Overtüre—約翰·施特勞斯:蝙蝠序曲】音樂會 上半場視頻

【視頻說明2:Johann Strauss I - Radetzky-Marsch; op. 228—老約翰·施特勞斯:拉德茨基進行曲 作品第228號】維也納音樂會完整視頻下載以上兩段視頻分別是序曲和謝幕曲,愛樂協會為您提供了音樂會的完整視頻下載,請進入下載頁面下載。遠程電驢下載avi格式CD1遠程電驢下載avi格式CD2遠程電驢下載MPG格式2011年維也納新年音樂會相關介紹2011年維也納新年音樂會 指揮New Year"s Concert 2011 with Franz Welser-M?stFollowing Clemens Krauss, Josef Krips, Willi Boskovsky, Herbert von Karajan and Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Franz Welser-M?st will become the sixth Austrian conductor to lead the Vienna Philharmonic New Year"s Concert."With the invitation to Franz Welser-M?st to conduct the 2011 New Year"s Concert, the Vienna Philharmonic acknowledges our shared artistic work in the opera and in concert, characterized in the last years by a continuously deepening mutual musical understanding, which has resulted in uplifting reciprocal inspiration," commented Vienna Philharmonic Chairman Clemens Hellsberg.Franz Welser-M?st has been Music Director of the Cleveland Orchestra since 2002, and beginning in September 2010 will become the General Music Director of the Vienna State Opera. In this capacity he will also be responsible for the Vienna State Opera Orchestra, the musicians of which make up the membership of the Vienna Philharmonic. Franz Welser-M?st conducted the Vienna Philharmonic for the first time in January 1998 at the Salzburg Mozart Festival, and in that same year was invited to conduct a Philharmonic subscription concert.The first encounter between orchestra and conductor took place when Franz Welser-M?st made his debut at the Vienna State Opera with a performance of Rossini"s "L"italiana in Algeri" in 1987. In September 2003 he garnered much acclaim when on short notice and without rehearsal he conducted a performance of Wagner"s "Tristan und Isolde".

Since then, Franz Welser-M?st has worked regularly with the Vienna Philharmonic, with the relationship between conductor and orchestra deepening during new productions of Richard Strauss』 "Arabella" and the complete cycle of Wagner"s "Der Ring des Nibelungen", which began in December 2007.In the summer of 2009, Franz Welser-M?st conducted theVienna Philharmonic at the Salzburg Festival, the BBC Proms and the Lucerne Festival.Following Clemens Krauss, Josef Krips, Willi Boskovsky, Herbert von Karajan and Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Franz Welser-M?st will become the sixth Austrian conductor to lead the orchestra"s annual New Year"s Concert."With the invitation to Franz Welser-M?st to conduct the 2011 New Year"s Concert, the Vienna Philharmonic acknowledges our shared artistic work in the opera and in concert, characterized in the last years by a continuously deepening mutual musical understanding, which has resulted in uplifting reciprocal inspiration," commented Vienna Philharmonic Chairman Clemens Hellsberg.Franz Welser-M?st has been Music Director of the Cleveland Orchestra since 2002, and beginning in September 2010 will become the General Music Director of the Vienna State Opera. In this capacity he will also be responsible for the Vienna State Opera Orchestra, the musicians of which make up the membership of the Vienna Philharmonic. Franz Welser-M?st conducted the Vienna Philharmonic for the first time in January 1998 at the Salzburg Mozart Festival, and in that same year was invited to conduct a Philharmonic subscription concert.The first encounter between orchestra and conductor took place when Franz Welser-M?st made his debut at the Vienna State Opera with a performance of Rossini"s "L"italiana in Algeri" in 1987. In September 2003 he garnered much acclaim when on short notice and without rehearsal he conducted a performance of Wagner"s "Tristan und Isolde".Since then, Franz Welser-M?st has worked regularly with the Vienna Philharmonic, with the relationship between conductor and orchestra deepening during new productions of Richard Strauss" "Arabella" and the complete cycle of Wagner"s "Der Ring des Nibelungen", which began in December 2007.In the summer of 2009, Franz Welser-M?st conducted the Vienna Philharmonic at the Salzburg Festival, the BBC Proms and the Lucerne Festival.指揮 Franz Welser-M?st 弗蘭茲·威爾瑟-武斯特Franz Welser-M?st,生於1960年的這位指揮家將成為近年來執棒指揮新年音樂會最年輕的指揮,讓我們一年後拭目以待。弗朗茲·威爾瑟-莫斯特(德文:Franz Welser-M?st ,原名Franz Leopold Maria M?st,1960年8月16日-),生於林茲,是一位奧地利指揮家。威爾瑟-莫斯特曾在Balduin Sulzer底下學作曲,還兼修小提琴,後來當上了指揮。他在1985年前一直指揮著奧地利青年樂團。1986年他指揮倫敦愛樂樂團引起轟動,因而在1990到1996年繼續與樂團合作。1995年到2002年他成為蘇黎世歌劇院音樂指導。2002年他成為克里夫蘭管弦樂團首席指揮,9個月之後,他的合約一下子延到2011-12年樂季。2005年9月1日他兼任蘇黎世歌劇院音樂總監。他已在蘇黎世指揮超過40場歌劇。弗朗茲將會指揮2011年維也納新年音樂會。

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