
吳雨霏孭囝囝行山吸新鮮空氣 陳茵媺一家沙灘上堂



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返到香港第一時間祝各位身體健康! 今日決定留喺屋企休息下同整嘢食,返屋企首要任務係補充食材。所以今日早上去咗 #IKEA 買嘢。依家喺 #宜家家居 除咗買家品,仲可以喺 #瑞典美食廊 買到豐富嘅食材,嗰度唔似一般超市咁多人👍🏻同樣可以揀到一啲自己鍾意食材✌🏻而且種類多,自己整又乾淨又健康🙂 如果冇乜idea ,唔知煮乜好 ?亦可以上佢哋嘅網站IKEA.com.hk,睇下有邊個5步驟食譜自己喜歡。夠哂方便又簡單。 我仲乘機買咗套新嘅碗碟,可以俾d新鮮感自己 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 家姐已經大個女,就俾佢自己試下整嘢食,輕輕鬆鬆15分鐘 #迷你醃三文魚卷配芥末醬 完成! #精明靚太消費情報 #簡單 #健康 #方便 #好味道 #價錢相宜 #親子活動 #食得健康又滋味 #IKEAHK

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My body was put under a huge stress and load to carry and nurture two babies in two years! My second pregnancy was very tough and my postpartum phase wasn’t easy at all. I think the most important postpartum mindset shift that needs to happen around how you see your postpartum body is this: It's not only about getting your body back, it's about figuring out how to move through life in this NEW body that you're in today. It's the same body that grew a tiny human and yet it's a different, and forever-changed, body. How awesome is that? To be honest, I still have a few more pounds to shed, but am I in a hurry? Nope. When I take a step back, I admire the ability of my body to mother two little babies with my entire body—taking care of a 28lbs 1 year-old active toddler and a 16lbs 4 month old baby, while breastfeeding every 4 hours. I’m going to give myself credit for that. And I am so thankful for all the support that I have in the past four months. To all the mamas out there- Your body is fierce and strong and what it went through is pure magic. Your body is POWERFUL. Remember that you're an incredible mama just the way you are today! @restoringmums #restoringmums #motherhood #postpartumbody #postpartumjourney #twoundertwo

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Schools temporarily on a break but my kids found some creative ways to continue their learning while having fun on a windy day at the beach across our place. 💞 Can you read what Nate wrote with a found bamboo pole? Hint: it's a body part 💋. He also decided to also write "Chan" but I was too busy to take a photo! U0001f92d #windy #beachsideliving #beachlife #happyvibes #fab4chan

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