

Hiro Nakamura arrives at the restaurant six months in the past after attempting to go back only a single day. Charlie, the waitress he is there to save, serves him. Hiro continues his attempts to explain to Charlie that he teleported from the future. As it rains outside, Hiro realizes that he teleported back too far, since it was not raining the day before he teleported, and it is, in fact, Charlie's birthday in April. He considers trying to teleport again, but is afraid of where he might end up and decides against it.

Peter is having a party at his apartment. Attendees include his motherbrother, and his brother's wife. Nathan arrives and offers him a pair of ladies' shoes as a present for becoming a nurse. Angela tells Peter that his dad is very proud of him, but couldn't attend the party because he has a meeting with Mr. Linderman. Nathan also informs Peter that the district attorney wants him to prosecute Mr. Linderman. Nathan and Heidi discuss Peter's career choice while driving home in their convertible, when a black SUV speeds up from behind and tries to run them off the highway. Nathan struggles to maintain control of the car, but suddenly finds himself floating out of the driver's seat, leaving Heidi alone in the car. Nathan floats in the air, unable to help as he watches the car crashes into barrels at an exit ramp, then falling to the ground far from the crash.

Gabriel arrives at Dr. Suresh's apartment. Dr. Suresh says he would like to run some non-invasive tests on Gabriel's brain, adding that the brain controls every action. Gabriel explains that as a kid he felt his family was insignificant, but he wanted to be different and special.

Eden is sitting in a chair with her mouth taped shut. Mr. Bennet reads her criminal rap sheet to her, tells her that she needs a purpose, then removes the tape. Eden spits in his face and then attempts to use her power on Mr. Bennet to let her go immediately. However, The Haitian blocks her power. Mr. Bennet tells her that now there is someone who can say "no" to her.

At home, Matt reveals to Janice that he failed his exam again. She remarks on how much he studied, but Matt tells her he knows all the answers but can't tell them about his dyslexia because it could hurt his career. Matt asks how she can want to kiss him, and manages to hear Janice's thoughts as she thinks that he's her hero. She tells him that he's everything she wants, despite his job complaints.

Micah opens up a gift, a laptop from his grandfather, Hal. The family thanks him, and Hal tells him to go play with it. Niki explains that they want to put Micah into a private school and Hal realizes they're asking for money and obliges. Hal tells them he's surprised they even let him through the door after all the things she did, though Niki tells him she didn't do anything. Hal goes to check on Micah and finds that Micah has disassembled the laptop. He yells at Micah, angering D.L. and Niki. Hal goes to leave and offers Niki a check. He tells her he owes her more than an apology can ever do. Niki asks him what he did that was so bad, and Hal is genuinely surprised that Niki doesn't remember. After he leaves Niki looks in the mirror and Jessica appears to take over.




Criminal 犯罪的


Dyslexia 閱讀困難


District 區


Attorney 辯護律師


Prosecute 執行,調查


Convertible 可轉換的


Oblige 迫使


Disassemble 拆除



  • To everything there's a season and a time to every purpose. The Earth spins at a thousand miles an hour as we desperately try to keep from being thrown off. Like the first blush of winter that signals a great migration, was there any warning of their arrival? A sign, a single event that set this chain into motion? Was it a whisper in God's ear? Survive, adapt, escape... And if we could mark that single moment in time? That first hint of the prophecy of approaching danger... Would we have done anything differently? Could it have been stopped or was the dielong ago cast? And if we could go back, alter its course, stop it from happening, would we?
  • This list, these people, their future is written on their DNA just as the past, it seems, is written in stone. Was the die cast from the very beginning, or is it in our own hands to alter the course of destiny? Of all our abilities, it is free will that truly makes us unique. With it we have a tiny but potent chance to deny fate and only with it can we find our way back to being human.



After watching this episode, we call tell that the movie trys to tell us what happened in the past. Everyone' s background before all these things happened, or even before they realized they have special ability. Now I am impressed by Mohinder's father, Dr. Suresh. His perseverance on his research that almost no one supports him. Everyone trys to convince him to give up. But at the end he proves himself and he really finds a system to finds those heroes. 

