Richard 36                       
之前說想寫另外一篇 Richard 的東西就是這個,整理各種訪談,我把找得到的電視和廣播訪問都看完了之後開始看平面媒體的訪問(Youtube 上的訪問說真的不算多,但是平面媒體就多到嚇死人了),有很多很有趣的內容,雖然不可能真的瞭解這個人,但是聽他說他以前經歷過什麼事,這些事如何影響他,還有一些他對劇情、角色和其他演員的想法,透過這些已經可以相當程度的認識他了。(至於為什麼要做這件事,只能說除了很有愛也要有衝動,如果不趁現在很多人都在問他是誰、這個部落格這陣子人氣還不錯的時候寫出來,感覺時機就過了,而且其實我寫到1/3就後悔了XDDD)

看很多年以前的訪問可以觀察一個人的轉變,但是從七八年前的訪問一直到最近哈比人的宣傳期,我覺得 Richard 幾乎沒什麼變化,獨特的幽默感,謙虛有禮,總是把角色和自己分得很開,回答問題很認真,連不需要認真的問題也很認真(而且現在還是這樣啊),真的要說轉變最多的地方應該是慢慢習慣成名和粉絲的追逐了吧。

平面訪問連結都來自 RichardArmitageNet 的 Interview Page,我沒有全部貼也沒有全部看完,因為 Robin Hood 還沒看完所以我跳過這部份的訪問(但我也被雷得差不多了XD),其他的訪問內容有劇透的話我會註明。另外,要先看影集再看訪問還是先看訪問取決於個人習慣,我通常會先看完影集,透過演員的演出先感受一次,之後再看訪問,如果我感受到的就是演員想要表達的我會很開心(比如說 Richard 在 Spooks 第八季裡最喜歡的是第四集跟我一樣 >////<)。

下面的訪問大略按照年份和作品排列,同一部戲的平面訪問和影音訪問會放在一起,有些連結失效用圖片代替,覺得圖片太小用新分頁開啟就可以放大了;至於影音訪問的逐字稿,找得到的話我會放,因為有些逐字稿太長了所以只放第一個部份,頁面裡右上點 next 就有下一頁了。

Cold Feet

Sunday Mirror - The TV script said I had a perfect six-pack... 
29歲的 Richard! 整篇都很好笑,尤其是水中有氧那部份。
為了戲裡的角色,他跟一個女生朋友去上水中有氧課,一個身高將近190的大男生跟一群女生一起在游泳池裡,池水在別人的腰際,只到他的大腿,"I can honestly say it was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done."
十七歲的時候為了拿到 Equity Card(類似演員工會卡),他加入了馬戲團,看到廣告的時候覺得會很好玩,但是沒想到居然是在布達佩斯(匈牙利),最遠只到過法國的十七歲英國小伙子就真的在馬戲團里待了六個月,這段經歷之後還會提到很多次和其他細節。
欣賞一下 Richard 為了這個角色努力練出來的腹肌吧XD

North and South

兩段影音訪問看完 North and South 再看會比較好,因為都有講到結局。

逐字稿 PART1
談了怎麼準備 Thornton 這個角色,拍戲的過程,拍攝期間發生的有趣的事  。

這是我唯一找得到有 Daniela 的訪問,她本人跟 Margaret 差好多。

如果看完 North and South 第二集的話可以聽一下下面這段。

Richard 唸原著小說裡求婚的段落,不要看畫面直接聽聲音,可以感受到 Richard 強悍的聲音演技,非常有渲染力。

Manchester Evening News - How Richard became North and South star
"My father is from Leeds and, ironically, my mother is from the south - and they're called John and Margaret," he laughs. "It's mad, isn't it?"
Richard 的爸爸是 John,來自 Leeds,英格蘭的北部,媽媽是 Margaret,來自南方,John 和 Margaret 的兒子因為 John Thornton 成名這根本就是命中注定。

Coventry Telegraph - Former city drama student takes spotlight
簡單的說他在 Coventry 的戲劇學校 Pattison College 表現非常好,拿過獎學金(他後來又跑去唸了 LAMDA, The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art)。 - Stepping out of the shadows
And while there are elements of Richard's character in Thornton, he says: "He isn't me." But he adds: "I can see his appeal for women. He is courageous. He has suffered great tragedy in his life and kept his family together. He has this reputation that precedes him, based on his ruthlessness with his workers, and I think that's quite an exciting dynamic to start with.
他把自己跟角色分得很清楚,理性的分析 Thornton 到底為什麼具有吸引力。

"But during the course of the story his layers get peeled back and he reveals somebody else inside who is actually quite sensitive and lonely. He needs a lot and he finds it through Margaret.
"That dichotomy between the powerful, almost monstrous, entrepreneur and this kind of vulnerable boy is really exciting to look at."
這是 Richard 眼中的 John Thornton︰有權勢、外表冷酷的廠主但是內心纖細寂寞,而他在 Margaret 身上找到他需要的那些。

Eastern Daily Press - Will Richard be the new Darcy?
他在馬戲團里做的事︰丟呼拉圈、扶梯子、幫忙 trapeze 特技演員(這個字我不會翻請咕狗圖片就知道了),還有一些視覺特效的東西。

The Times Online - In a swoon over me? Surely not
Surely he realises that half of Middle England is in love with him? He laughs. "No, they're not, they're in love with him (Mr. Thornton), aren't they? No, it's him, it's not me. It's nice, I guess, but it's funny because I never saw the character in that way. He dresses like an undertaker and there's a certain amount of suppression in that character, but he's not obviously a romantic figure."

"This is weird, isn't it? It's a bit embarrassing because you don't plan for that when you prepare for the part. I didn't realise there would be an emotional reaction, or whatever the reation is — a physical reaction? I value that but, at the same time, it's only a character."
他一直強調觀眾愛上的不是他而是 Thornton,我覺得就是這樣的想法讓他一直保持著很謙虛的態度吧,不會被帶著崇拜的眼光沖昏頭;觀眾欣賞他的演出、受大廣大的歡迎,他很開心也很珍惜,但是角色是角色,他還是他,分得很清楚。

"It's got to be a low point in showbusines sleeping next to the elephants."


You magazine - In a taxi with...Richard Armitage
"It's lucky the BBC didn't get me diving into a lake, as they did with Colin — I'm not great in deep water because I nearly drowned in my pushchair once in my neighbour's pond."
談到觀眾對 Darcy 和 Thornton 的比較,Richard 說還好 BBC 沒叫他跳進湖裡,因為小時候連人帶嬰兒推車滑進鄰居的池子差點溺水,所以一直都有點怕水,不過他還是會游泳。

其實我主要是想貼這段。先講一下 North and South 的試鏡過程,女主角 Daniela Denby-Ashe 被選上的時候,男主角的人選還沒決定。
Daniela Denby-Ashe had already been offered the part of the heroine, Margaret, and it was their "instant chemistry" at the audition that got him the job. "It wasn't difficult to smoulder in scenes with Daniela, because she's so incredibly beautiful," he says. "You look at her face and you just want to kiss her."
「要跟 Daniela 產生火花一點都不難,因為她真的很漂亮。只要看著她就會想吻她。」

Tulsa World - Lie back and think of England
"He goes from being a somewhat tyrannical entrepreneur who is money-grubbing to someone who is prepared to shed all of that for love. It's an amazing scene for a man of that time. It's not about Victorian manners. It's very now."

"I also think part of the attraction has to do with the antagonism of their relationship. She challenges him. No one has ever done that to him apart from his mother, and he and his mother have a strong working relationship," he said. "Most of the women presented to him are silent and very conformist, but Margaret is different. There's a very fine element of his mother he sees in her. It's not necessarily an attraction but something he thrives on."

The Golden Hour

Radio Times - The Golden Hour
這篇笑點很多也不長可以把它讀完,他有他自己的幽默感,難得談到了 The Golden Hour 的 Dr. Alec Track。

這段很好笑︰Richard 說他下一個角色是莫內,有一場戲要跳進河裡,記者馬上想到 Darcy 在傲慢與偏見裡從湖裡走上岸的經典橋段,「所以意思是說,你會穿著古裝,濕答答的從河裡走上岸?」Richard 馬上打破記者的浪漫想像︰「我覺得那一段你應該要覺得很難過因為他在自殺,而且,戴著假髮跳進湖裡,看起來真的不怎麼樣。」

講到 The Armitage Army 那麼多次,這是最好笑的回答︰"You're the one with the Internet fan ring called the Armitage Army. Does that please you?"
"It fills me with confidence to know that if I ever have to go to war, I have an army of women behind me."

我很喜歡這題︰Put a handsome bloke in a period costume and his popularity rating goes off the scale. What's that about?(為什麼男演員演古裝人氣會直線上升?)
Richard 的答案很棒,因為壓抑(suppression),因為當時的社會風氣保守,男女不能互相碰觸,不能直接表明心跡,壓抑的感覺提昇了兩性之間的張力和吸引力,但是現代社會沒有這樣的束縛。

如果要在 Richard 的角色裡排序,Dr. Alec Track 可以排得上前三(其他兩位是 John Thornton 和 Lucas North),聰明優秀的醫生,個性溫和,生活的百分之九十是工作,不解風情,對感情有點遲鈍但又很溫柔,我一直覺得這是最接近 Richard 真實個性的角色。

The Impressionist

Sunday Times Culture magazine - Move over, Darcy!

When his agent mentioned that the BBC was to adapt Mrs Gaskell's North and South, he dutifully bought the book. "Within the first page, I thought, 'I'm right for this person and for this role'," He says. But the casting director was less certain. They did not invite him back for six weeks. "There was a point when I thought I should just forget about it, but I kept on going back to the book. It had to do with my family heritage. My roots are in that part of the country and that kind of industry. My granfather was weaver. Others were coal miners. I know the landscape. And I know the John Thornton type."

"... You spend a bit of yourself when you give youeself to a character. At the end of a job, you have to remind youself who and what you are."

"Live acting is a kind of adventure sport... I sometimes think that stepping out on stage can have the same kind of adrenaline rush."

"I've been this height since I was 14, so I know what it is to feel like a little boy when people are looking to you for strength."

Spooks Season 7

簡單介紹 Lucas North。逐字稿

有 Robin Hood 劇透(一個重要角色死了),又講到了以前在馬戲團工作的事情(不過這個髮型實在是……)。
逐字稿 PART1

這是 RichardArmitageNet Spooks 第七季的影音訪談頁面,請找 "Heat Radio Interview 27 October 2008" 這段訪問然後四段都下載下來,雖然又有 Robin Hood 的劇透(天啊躲不開耶),不過我已經被雷光了所以我不在意,如果有人也不在意的話一定要聽這段訪問,實在太好笑了。逐字稿 PART1,總共11個部份。

Sky Magazine - Guest Blog: Richard Armitage
Richard 的拍攝日記,雖然字很小,但是整篇都很有趣,尤其是邊邊角角的小框框一定要看。 

Manchester Evening News - Time to get spooked, again
有第六季的劇透,不想點進去的話我已經把 Lucas 部份都貼出來了。

During a break in filming on The Grid - the nerve centre of the MI5 TV team - Richard explains how Lucas is still viewed with suspicion. "Having been in the hands of the Russians for so long, you need to think that he's on a knife-edge the whole time, that he could turn or break. There's something about him that just gives you a slight unease."

He adds: "I did drop quite a lot of weight for this because, in the first episode, he's described as being malnourished. So I've lost about a stone, which was really tricky because also within the first week was a massive fight sequence. So I still had to keep physically fit."
為了表現 Lucas 被關八年營養不良的樣子,減重了大約六公斤,但是他同時又要拍打鬥戲,所以他不能瘦太多,要夠強壯。

Lucas is supposed to be fluent in Russian, which caused extra work for the former North and South actor, who plays Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood and, as Harry Kennedy, also married the Vicar of Dibley.

"I tried to learn off a disc but it was just a bit too basic. I'm working with a Russian speaker now who's really good."

It's no secret that Rupert Penry-Jones, who plays Adam, left Spooks during filming earlier this year. But the details of his on-screen exit are under wraps.

Did Richard have any qualms about taking over as a Spooks leading man? "That was a huge fear. They're big shoes to fill, aren't they? But, luckily, they've created something which is a complete contrast. So, hopefully, there won't be too many comparisons.

Digital Spy - Richard Armitage (Spooks)
第一句話就有 Robin Hood 大劇透請小心避開(所以我才說我已經被雷得差不多了XD),最後面也有,所以我直接把其他部份貼出來,怕雷的話連結不要點。

How does it feel to be joining the cast of Spooks?
"It's been much more fun than I thought it would be, considering it's such a serious show. There's a lot of naughtiness that's been going on! The usual banter. I knew Hermione [Norris, Ros] from Cold Feet so we hit it off straight away. Peter [Firth, Harry Pearce] has been there from the beginning and he's a bit like the father of the show. He took me under his wing and looked after me."

What can you tell us about your character, Lucas?
"He used to work for MI5. He was a predecessor of Tom Quinn and was Harry's protege, the best in his field. He went to Russia and got caught and banged up for eight years. He's tortured, interrogated and broken and then he mysteriously finds his way back. It's cultivated by MI5 to get him back and no one knows why. He comes back with dirt on his feet from Russia and spreads it around a bit. They're suspicious that he's a double agent so that [plotline] goes through the series."

Were you a Spooks fan before doing the series?
"I saw the first two episodes of the first series. I saw the chip fryer incident. I really like how they're not scared to kill off big protagonists. Since then I haven't watched it until they started talking to me about being in it. They sent series three, four and five and I sat down thinking 'I'll watch a couple', then it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I think, 'just another one'. I did get quite hooked. I like the way that it's current and politically mobile. They're writing episodes which are finance-based. There's stuff in there that's pretty clever because by the time it airs the state of the country is going to echo what's going on in the show."

Any nerves about stepping into Matthew Macfadyen and Rupert Penry-Jones's shoes?
"I was pretty freaked by that idea because they're both actors I really admire. Rupert's done such a good job and has a big fanbase and I was worried about it. I still am a bit. The way that it's worked is the character hasn't directly replaced him. It's one character leaving and another arriving and a big re-shuffle goes on. All I can do is go in and do my best work and hope that the fans of the show like it."

Has it been fun doing stunt work?
"Rupert set the bar by doing his own stunts. I saw him roll over the bonnet of a car in series six so I froze the TV to check and it was him. I asked him how they insured him to do that! I couldn't possibly not do my own stunts now. I've done fight sequences and a torture sequence, which was a bit scary. It's different to Robin Hood. That's fantasy fighting, but this is proper hardcore. You beat the s*** out of someone and it looks real."
因為 Rupert(Rupert Penry-Jones,Spooks 三到六季的男主角 Adam Carter)動作戲都自己來,所以 Richard 也都自己來(他看 Spooks 第六季的時候還特別暫停看 Rupert 有沒有用替身好好笑)。

Do you prefer playing a character like this or someone more sinister like Guy of Gisborne?
"It's great fun playing the baddie, I have to say. The fun side of playing the baddie is that while you're doing it, it's great. The reaction you get back is frustrating because everyone assumes you're like your character and despises you for it. Playing the hero, you get a great response. If someone tells me a character is good, I'll look for the bad stuff. If they're bad, I'll look for the good stuff. I don't see them as either black or white."

Times Online - Richard Armitage joins the cast of Spooks
"So I fought hard to make him (Lucas North) look as shocking as possible. I lost about a stone in weight, and wanted to shave my head, but the producers, who are catering for that section of the audience you're referring to (the Armitage Army), wanted him to look attractive. So in the end there was a compromise"
他在準備 Lucas 這個角色的時候,除了減重還想過要剃光頭,但是製片希望 Lucas 的外表是吸引人的,所以作罷,還好沒剃頭,這樣我們才有帥氣消瘦的 Lucas(跪謝製片)。

"If I'm offered the role of the hero, I immediately look for the antihero within!" he says. "I see everything in terms of an outer skin and an inner skin." Armitage suspects that this addition to duality come from his own life, and more specifically from his exprience of being a crushingly shy Leicester teenager who was drawn to the stage yet loathed being observed.... "I was told that I had an aloofness about me, and that really bothered me," he explains. "Because it wan't aloofness, it was shyness. It made me realise that what was going on inside of me wasn't being reflected on the outside."

Daily Telegraph - Spooks: Richard Armitage
It also acquired him a female fanbase that dubs itself the Armitage Army and remains loyal to this day. "They send me ridiculous birthday presents," he says. "such as mountains of chocolates, underpants with pictures of myself on them and charity donkeys." Charity donkeys? "A charity donkey is where you sponsor a donkey in a sanctuary and give them three pounds a month to have some donkey nuts, or something." Ah.

After the noble Thornton, Armitage says that this bonkers fanbase had difficulty weathering the diversion into medieval villainy required of him in Robin Hood. "There was trepidation there. They didn't like him to be too nasty – so I tried to make him even more nasty just to upset them," he jokes.

Mail Online - BBC show Spooks prepares to screen real waterboarding torture scenes
這件事是 Richard 敬業代表作之一,明明怕水但是同意演出水刑。
(網頁裡有示意圖,我忘了是 Spooks 第七季的哪一集了)

The actor, 37, said he had agreed to do the scene because he was told by experts that it was a "humane way of extracting information without hurting people". However, he said his view changed after his experience.
"I was strapped to a pallet and laid at an angle with a cloth placed over my mouth. My arms and legs were tied, and we had agreed a signal that when it became too much I would bang my arms on my legs."
"You start to breathe in and out, but when the water just fills everywhere up it just hits you. It changed my opinion completely. I realised that it really is a form of torture that shouldn’t be used. I only lasted five to ten seconds, and the sound of my voice crying out to stop isn't me acting. The psychological damage of doing that to someone for even a minute would be indescribable."

Radio 1 Newsbeat - Spooks new boy plays jailed agent
Red Magazine
很短很短的訪問,有關他喜歡看什樣的節目。他的 Doctor 是 Tom Baker,跟 DT 一樣(我的 Doctor 是 CE 和 DT!)。

Daily Record - I rarely turn down work after years of struggling...
有 Robin Hood 劇末劇透。這篇談到 Richard 差點放棄演員生涯、他當時的心境,還有很多他的想法很值得讀。

"I've become one of those actors who finds it difficult to say no when things are offered.
"I think if I had come out of drama school and beem an instant Hollywood superstar I would be taking long, leisurely holidays.
"But I always feel somehow it's going to be taken away from me so I work when I can. When you struggle with work as I did when I left drama school you make hay when the sun shines.
"There was a time when I thought, and my agent thought, it wasn't going to happen for me. We both sat down and I actually said I don't know if I can stay in this state. The interesting role have only come to me since I got into my 30s. But I didn't know that was going to happen.
"I'm a bit of an all or nothing kind of guy, To be honest, I had no blind faith in myself, I don't think I could have stayed around as a jobbing actor. I would probably quit. Who knows?
"I think I would have found that too frustrating, But at the moment when I thought I was going to quit, something happenened and it all changed again." That something was a part in the drama Sparkhouse.
他一度想放棄演員的工作,因為他和他的經紀人都覺得他不會有什麼好的發展,他也不想只當客串演員,但是還好在他要放棄的時候 Sparkhouse 的角色來了,然後一個接著一個,到 North and South 一夕成名,慢慢走到英國一線男演員的地位,身為粉絲真的很感謝他沒有放棄。不過也是因為這段經驗,讓他有點工作狂的傾向,有工作就接,因為他覺得這些機會有一天又會都不見了,有演出機會他就必須要把握。

"I did quite a lot of menial jobs. I was a waiter, an inventory clerk touring round properties listing cups and saucers, and a laserquest marshall. I also worked front of house at the theater, which was like some kind of torture — watching other actors, sometimes not very good actors, doing it. I used to sit there with my Stanislavski 'How to Act' books, ripping ticket. But I actually enjoyed front of house. When I came to be on the oyher side of the curtain you really got a feel for who it is coming to the theater and the sense of event that is about to happen. It changed my opinion on how to prepare for theater."
當過服務生、清點茶杯和小碟子存貨的店員(laserquest marshall 我不知道是什麼意思也查不到),也在戲院當過收票員。當收票對他來說有點折磨,因為他看著其他演員——有些並不是好的演員——做他想做的事;但是這段經歷同時也讓他知道進戲院的是哪些人,改變了他準備劇場工作的方式。

Armitage: Less action for Lucas
比較 Lucas North 和 John Porter。
"... in a way John is sort of the weapon that MI6 use in the field whereas in Spooks I play Lucas who is pretty much London-based, office-based, grid-based, so it was almost the antithesis of that character which was quite challenging."

Robin Hood

逐字稿 PART1
這大概是 Robin Hood 我唯一可以看的訪問,很靦腆很可愛。


「有自己的 Action Figure 的感覺是什麼?」

「如果 Guy 是一個現代人,你覺得他的職業會是什麼?」
「喔這好難……我不想講一個無聊的答案,他會做什麼……我覺得他會試著跟皇室聯姻,他會像 James Hewitt——欸 James Hewitt 是一種職業嗎?(笑)好,他的職業會是 James Hewitt!」(根據維基 James Hewitt 是戴安娜王妃的情夫)

Strike Back

這是 RichardArmiategNet Strike Back 的影音頁面,廣播的部份請找下面這兩段訪問︰
Richard Bacon interview on BBC Radio 5 Live,這段我很喜歡,主持人聲音也蠻好聽的。mp3檔才是完整的訪問,影片因為當初錄的時候好像出了點問題所以漏了一些段落。
逐字稿 PART1,有人注意過 Spooks 片頭沒有列演員的名字嗎?根據 Richard 的說法這是故意的。然後又有 Robin Hood 劇透了。
逐字稿 PART1

很長的訪問,談了很多東西,主要是 Strike Back,不過也談了 Spooks 和其他東西。逐字稿 PART1
完整版在這裡,"3 June 2010 - Entire Interview with David Stephenson of the Sunday Express " 那一項。

他一開始看到 Strike Back 的劇本其實一點興趣都沒有——槍戰、爆炸、男性取向的劇情,這些都太常見了——但後來發現小說的作者是前SAS,英國皇家空軍(記得沒錯的話其實就是特種部隊),也就是這個作者真的知道軍人/間諜的工作是什麼,還有小說主角本身的心理掙扎等等,他才接了這個角色。
Richard 嘗試將 John Porter 塑造成他自己想成為的那種人。John 做了正確的決定卻得到災難式的結果,他不知道為什麼,但是無論如何他要把答案找出來。
小說作者 Chris Ryan 有參與前製作業,在拍攝期間擔任顧問的則是三個前SAS軍人。舉前兩集的人質救援來說,顧問提供的諮詢是︰小說裡可能是那樣寫,但是事實上以門的形狀和走廊的狀況,在真實的任務中怎麼做才是對的;他們會討論拍起來好看跟實際情況的差別,做一些妥協,編劇希望當真正的SAS或是MI6軍人坐下來看這部戲的時候,這些觀眾會說「對,真實情況就是這樣。」
他一開始全副武裝上戲的時候覺得自己是"Richard Armitage inside a ridiculous costume",但是拍到後來,手邊沒有槍他就會開始找他的槍,拍攝空檔工作人員要幫他把槍拿下來的時候他反而想繼續扛著,"felt like an extention of my arm.";其實也是因為他在南非拍戲的時候中間沒有回英國,幾乎每天都在工作,拍攝時間也很長,所以他幾乎一直處在角色裡,連晚上睡覺都做了 John 的夢,他是 John Porter 他要逃獄之類的。

講到 Lucas 和 John 的比較,他想過同時接演性質相近的角色會不會混淆,但是仔細思考之後覺得其實這是兩個完全不一樣的人,John 會覺得 Lucas 是個大混帳,Lucas 會覺得去玩你的槍,不要吵我,我是用頭腦工作的人;如果打起來的話 John 三兩下就可以搞定 Lucas(天啊我好想看 John 和 Lucas 演雙胞胎兄弟的劇情)。至於哪個角色比較接近 Richard 本人?他覺得是 Lucas,因為他演 Lucas 演比較久比較熟悉,John 像是一個有點無法控制的小孩。不過他最後說,其實作為演員他的工作就是要讓角色不一樣,"It's my job to make them different... It's my pleasure as an actor to be employed. There you go. How's that for an answer."(笑)



Richard Ⅲ 這個劇本一直出現在各個訪問裡,還是處於籌備階段的樣子,講了好多年了,前陣子哈比人宣傳也提過,難怪他會說等到真的要開拍的時候他就太老了不能演了只能當製片。

如果沒有去拍哈比人的話,他當時的規劃是要回劇場演喜劇 The Rover,Strike Back 宣傳期的訪問講過很多次,不過照現在這個樣子看來大概暫時回不了劇場了。

Body and Soul - The Inside Track Richard Armitage

"I'm normlly one of those people who, unless you shove a sandwich in my hand, would forget to eat."
感覺是會工作到忘我、很需要人照顧的那種人,快結婚好嗎才有人提醒你要吃飯XD(而且最好生個女兒,Richard 看起來是會很疼女兒的爸爸)

"I am always jumping off things on set, on an adrenalin high. At the end of a take people suddenly run up to me waving cotton swabs because I am bleeding and I haven't notice. Strike Back was the ,ost physical role I have taken in and I had to work hard with an ex-military instructor to build up my physical mass and strengthen my ankles and wrists so that I wouldn't injure myself."

"If I wasn't doing this job looks wouldn't matter to me. But acting makes me much more coscious of ageing. I didn't like the way I look when I was younger. I wanted to do a nose job. But now I think I have frown into my face"

"I have always wanted to be 5ft 8in. Many actors aren't that tall and I spend my time stooping into conversations."
五呎八吋大概是 172 左右,就像 Martin Freeman 和 John Simm 那樣的身高(其實也就是跟我差不多高,我無法想像 Richard 只高我兩公分的樣子……)。就演員來說他是有點太高了,不過這樣的身材在鏡頭上很好看,跟女演員站在一起也很好看。

Reader's Digest - Tough Act
說穿了 Strike Back 對觀眾來說是看爆破看槍戰看飛車追逐,但是 Richard 真的想得很深。

"How does a man become a trained killer and then go home and put his arms around his wife and rock his baby daughter to sleep? How can a soldier not have a conscience about what he's being asked to do?"

"When I was researching the character, I read a lot of material on war and the nature of killing. There was a very surprising statistic—I think it was from the Napoleonic Wars—about the number of muskets they found on the battlefield that hadn't been fire. And it still happnes: when the call to fire comes, some soldiers either fire high or they simply don't fire. It's like conscientious objecting on the battlefield; some people, when it comes to right down to it, won't or can't kill in cold blood. I was surprised—and slightly relieved—to know it."

Strike Back 也有水刑的戲。
"I already knew about the fear. I know how my body will react."

"It is a very strange concept to make entertainment out of war and killing. I suppose it's the same reason we like medical dramas so much. It's not that you like seeing people dying; it's that you like seeing them snatched from death. In a very mild way, there's slight sense of self-harm; we want to feel a little bit of the pain our boys are feeling, but I'm absolutely aware that we're making drama out of fiction here. We'll never capture, as actors, what it's really liketo be out there fighting. And to believe that you can is incredibly naive."

"I was gangly. i always wanted to be two inches shorter. And I suppose I was always looked at in a certain adult way—I never had that hair-ruffling 'aren't you cute?' thing."

The Guardian Richard Armitage: from Spy to SAS
It's bad enough when you catch a glimpse of yourself unawares in a shop window. So imagine running smack-bang into a massive poster of yourself. Wearing army fatigues. Doing a bit of a glower. "It sort of makes your stomach churn," admits Richard Armitage – currently plastered across posters for Sky 1's Strike Back. "I saw one and I had to look away quite quickly."

They've proved fairly disconcerting for friends, too. His Spooks co-star Nicola Walker called to say one of the posters had appeared outside her home. "She said: 'I can't believe it – you're looking in through my bedroom window'."
如果有人看過 Strike Back 的宣傳海報就會知道他們在說什麼—— John Porter 扛著槍,銳利眼神盯著前方,可以理解 Nicola Walker(Spooks 的 Ruth)的反應XD

So does Armitage think there's a difference between US and UK action drama? "I think that was part of the reason why I was cast in the role," he says. "We've tried to focus on the man struggling to exist in the body of the soldier. In contrast to an American show … the goodies and baddies are much less differentiated; much less.

The Northern Echo - Just the man for the job
"... I've tried to make him (John Porter) as un-action hero like as possible."

And the reason? "Because that's an easy role to play and we've all seen the hero running out of a burning building carrying a child. I've tried to inject his character with something else that's unique to his experience."

"I try to create a biography for every character I play," says Armitage.

He doesn’t deny there was an element of "boys with toys" about filming. When you first pick up a gun and pull off some rounds, you can't help but grin, he says. "And when you see a guest artist come in, they're the same," he says.
"Shaun Parkes, who plays Felix Masuku, had the biggest smile on his face when they handed him a gun. And it's really embarrassing because you're smiling when you're pretending to kill. But it isn't the killing you're smiling at—it's the feeling of this machine in your hand that has this capability. It's power."

Daily Mail "Sex symbol? No, the truth is I'm just a DIY geek"
But he's bewildered at his attraction. "I'm just a geek,' he protests.
"My idea of a passionate weekend is doing DIY. I'm pretty handy with a screwdriver. But is that sexy? I don't think so!"

So does he think his hunky SAS hero will set hearts fluttering? Looking baffled, Richard says:"I cannot think how someone willing to die for their country would be a person who you would want to put a picture of on your bedroom wall.
"You admire someone like that for their bravery, but not for their attractiveness. Strike Back is about war, and I don't think war is something to glamorise."

Spooks Season 8

Sunday Mirror - "I was a beanpole with a nose I hadn't grown into"
You certainly look hot in the dark blue suit you’ve put on for this interview…
RA: Thank you. It’s Dolce & Gabbana and the shirt is Prada, but the truth is, nearly all my other clothes are Lucas's from Spooks. I can't bear shopping. I can choose clothes for my characters, but not for myself. I've got no dress sense. Or I've lost it.
衣服都是為了 Lucas 買的,沒有時間幫自己買衣服,還好他現在有造型師了。

Speaking of which, how's your love life?
RA: Unfortunately, my love life is nil. I’m not in a relationship any longer – I'm working too much—but I would like to settle down at some point.

Do you want a family?
RA: Yes, I'd like a wife and family. I spend so much time with my brother's little boy, Abe, who's coming up to five, and he's so hilarious. Playing a father in Strike Back has really resonated with me, although I can't believe I'm starting to get cast with teenage daughters! I'm quite relieved I don't have that responsibility in real life, but I look around and my fellow actors are having babies and I'm envious. One day, one day.
這是兩年多前的訪問了,但是他前陣子接受 Glamour 訪問,還是單身狀態,快點交個女朋友快結婚快生小孩!

Do you read about yourself on the internet?
RA: I decided this year not to read anything. It's been very liberating. The problem with me is I read everything, but it's only the bad stuff that stays with me. It's weird, you only need to be told something once and it stays with you.

What keeps you awake at night?
RA: The fear of not being able to keep this career going. Because it is quite scary. It's going well, but I worry somebody will take a pin and it will all go "pop!" Then it's back to plumbing and sanding floors. That's what I used to do for mates between jobs.

Sunday Times magazine: A Life in the Day feature
Richard 的一天,從起床到工作結束回家到睡前做了些什麼。
"On set we've usually wrapped by 7:30 and I might head for the gym or go for a run. After a day's shooting it allows me to escape and shut off from everything. It's also a great calmer if I'm angry or upset about something. I'm a bit of brooder. I don't like confrontation, so I think I suppress things. When my temper does come out, it goes all the way —the kind of temper you can't apologise for. Yep, the chair getting thrown out of the windows. Those emotions are scary, but hey, they come in useful when you're acting."

Closer Magazine
"He's still have flashbacks of being in a Russian prison and you see him being electrocuted. He's so broken, he almost hangs himself. It's weird, you're in the zone, really upset, and then the director goes:'Cut!' You're like:'God, I could actually have done that!'"

Mail on Sunday - In a taxi with...Richard Armitage
"I try to look rough and knackered on Spooks, but they're always coming in and fluffing up my hair and hiding my wrinkles. I'm ready for my Elephant Man phase."

Marie Claire - "What turns me on" Best loved TV shows past and present

Woman's Weekly - I spy Richard Armitage
"Would you ever want to be a spy in real life?"
"I don't know... Someone once asked me if I'd like to be James Bond but, to be honest, I'd rather be a Bond Baddie."

"What 'spooks' you out?"
"Deep, dark water. One of my earliest memories us if falling into my neighbor's pond in my pushchair and I was under the water for quite a while. I was terrifying. Unfortunetly, my next job... involves a lot of dark, deep water, so I've thrown myself in at the deep end a little bit. "

Spooks Season 9


01:14-3:17 因為 Spooks 是一齣砍角色不手軟的戲,每個角色不是離開、消失就是被殺死,所以從 Richard 接演 Spooks 開始,他希望 Lucas North 怎麼死的問題就一直出現。我覺得很酷的是他跟編劇說「如果你要殺死 Lucas,就做得漂亮一點,但不要告訴我,如果是時侯了,那就讓 Lucas 說再見吧。」(我還沒看完第九季我也不知道 Lucas 怎麼退場的)

6:01-7:24 看完第八季第四集就可以看這段了

8:02 到最後都可以看。
10:17 Harry 和 Lucas 比腕力誰贏?答案自己看,Richard 的動作很可愛。

主要是聊 Spooks 第九季的概略劇情,也提到很多前兩季的東西(誰死了怎麼死的之類的),所以其實最好看完第九季第一集再聽這個,因為他根本把劇情都講完了。

Captain America 美國隊長

我當初是先看完這段訪問才看美國隊長,因為他演反派所以有點期待,所以當我妹說「如果妳是為了妳喜歡的演員的話其實可以不用看」的時候我沒有放在心上,因為我很喜歡反派不只是反派的角色,結果呢,看過美國隊長的人應該可以理解我的反應——「親愛的 Richard 你知道你的戲份只有十分鐘嗎,沒有人在意 Heinz Kruger 的故事,甚至根本不知道他叫 Heinz Kruger!」這麼小的角色也很用心的準備讓我覺得他好傻(?)好認真。

Richard Armitage on CBeebies
最後放一下 Richard 的床邊故事。CBeebies 是 BBC 的兒童節目,John Simm 和 Rupert Penry-Jones, David Tennant 都上過這個節目說故事,演員們表情豐富,故事都很可愛。這邊可以下載聲音檔

(Winnie the Witch 有很多故事,這系列我很喜歡)


連結有錯或是無效的話也請告訴我一聲,圖片訪問逐字稿影片全部加起來眼睛有點花。其實還很多東西沒有貼,RichardArmitageNet 和 RACentral 的東西多得很驚人,如果有人已經掉到坑底的話可以去那邊挖寶,本來還打算寫有聲書的不過能力有所不及,下次吧。
祝大家在 RA 的坑裡玩得愉快!

哈比人的訪問都在這邊 Richard Armitage @ The Hobbit 首映巡迴
Richard 的作品介紹請往這裡走 [英劇] 我所愛的英國男人們(他排在第四個,不過除了BC之外的順序無意義XD)

Credits to RichardArmitageNet and RACentral.

 Richard 125