英文在職場上還是很重要的,  畢竟都會需要和別的國家合作或做生意

雖然說英文一直都有持續在練習, 但一直到上份工作真正和美國人開始emailing和電話會議

才真的覺得又學到了不少之前不知道的但他們習慣的一些說法或語法, 有機會再分享,  

這篇先介紹我搜集的會議/ 電話會議相關的文章與句子

首先先來看一下Voicetube上的影片, 看到我真的是笑慘,  因為影片中的狀況真的常發生

尤其時差太大時很多時候大家都是回家之後才開始電話會議, 有人用手機有人用市話有人用電腦


[召開會議 call a meeting]

I would like to call a meeting to discuss our annual plan. 



會議開始時可說 Thank you all in attendance today.

會議結束時說 Thank you for your participation.

我參與的電話會議都比較informal 所以沒有用過上面兩句


[點名 call a roll, do/ take a roll call]

We are going to begin our meeting with a roll call.

It would be good to know who is here in terms of a quick roll call.

What I'd like to do right now is to take attendance to find out who is present and to let other participants know who is on the line. 


[缺席Apology for absence.]

An apolgy for absence was received from Hugo. 

We have an apology from John, a delay from Adam.



Have I missed anybody?

is there anyone listening in that I havn't mentioned?


通常也不會真的點名, 主持人會問 Do we have everyone?

or Is XXX there? Will XXX join the meeting? 

與會者會說This is John, Sara is with me. 或 I got Josh, Jonny with me. 



Sara is on. 

Who was that came in?



Who is going to take minutes?

minute a meeting.



If we have all here, let's get started.

如果會議非特定主題, 也常說 Who want to go first? 

或主持人說 I would like to go through something first. 



I muted that line. 



I will be right back. 

I will be away from the phone to get the document. I will be right back. 



Hold on for a second. I need to check something first. 



I am sorry. I am not going to be able to stay for more than 10 mins. 


[沒聽清楚 Pardon?] 

Sorry, I didn't get your sentance. It is very scratchy. I guess you are asking for dealine. 

這也很常遇到 常會說 Can you repeat again? Can you speak louder?  I can not hear you clearly.

The connection is bad.  

Could you speak a little more slowly?

Would you mind to spelling the words?

It that what you mean....?

Do i understand right?


[如下 as follows/ below]

The agenda is as follows.

Our requirement is listed below.


而我一開始最痛苦的是要講技術製程的東西時, 真的常會讓我滿頭大汗又講不出個所以然,

之後就學會先寄相關信件過去, 要講的時候請對方打開信件他也好理解

再來是數字類的, 美國人很喜歡兩位數三位數一起講, 比如說 2650530

他們就會說 twenty-six, fifty, five hundreds thirty

還有就是大家還不熟時, 發言前最好先說 this is XXX不然大家可能不知道在講話的是誰

或是內部要用中文/ 英文討論時, 會先知會對方, 不然容易造成誤會



主持人會問 Any else?

然後與會者可以說 We good./ I am good./ Nothing from me. 



That makes two of us. = I agee with you.

I've gotten carried away. 我扯太遠

Good thing is

That will not always be that case. 不會永遠都是這樣

You bet. 一點也沒錯, 有點You can bet money on it.的意思

When you get down to it. 當你追根究底

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. 你不該這麼苛責你自己

Mark my words. 記下我所說的

Sorry, what I mean is..

Let's recap on it. 讓我再概述一下


Oh, I should just mention one more thing.

So, basically, what I am saying is

Sorry, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. 我剛剛可能沒說清楚

Do I make myself clear?

Let me rephrase that. 讓我換句話說

We have not enough time, just to give you the main point here. 時間不夠我只講一下重點


最後, 附上英文會議的文章裡面也有很多不管是哪種會議,  討論時都會用到的實用句

