

風車鎮,town of wind


UC獨角獸的《A Letter》

《Lost Stars》?曲調算是挺傷感的吧,而且電影的結局也還挺好的。

對!就是這麼騷……?(? ? ?ω? ? ?)?


《take me hand》,最後千代與會長終於在一起了。可是這首曲調我卻覺得有點憂傷,似乎在訴說著會長等了太久太久……

You Belong to MeBob Dylan

See the pyramids along the Nile

尼羅河岸看金字塔Watch the sunrise on a tropic isle熱帶島嶼看日出Just remember, darling, all the while無論何時要記得,親愛的,你屬於我You belong to me你屬於我See the marketplace in old Algiers在老阿爾及爾逛逛市場

Send me photographs and souvenirs

寄給我照片和紀念品Just remember when a dream appears當你沉入夢鄉,要記得You belong to me你屬於我Ill be so alone without you你不在我多孤單Maybe youll be lonesome too也許你也一樣

Fly the ocean in a silver plane

乘銀色飛機飛越海洋See the jungle when its wet with rain看看雨季濡濕的叢林Just remember til youre home again在你回到家之前,要記得You belong to me你屬於我Ill be so alone without you你不在我多孤單

Maybe youll be lonesome too

也許你也一樣Fly the ocean in a silver plane乘銀色飛機飛越海洋See the jungle when its wet with rain看看雨季濡濕的叢林Just remember til youre home again在你回到家之前,要記得You belong to me你屬於我 分享 Bob Dylan 的歌曲《You Belong to Me》https://www.xiami.com/song/3364627?_uxid=E5E76DDB51021331FFBBDDB9856939E1 (分享自@蝦米音樂)