


For some manufacturing companies, capacity, just like pricing and VMI hub, has become an essential leverage in business bargaining. With a strong capacity support from the planning department, salespeople are in a much better position to build up competitive advantage for the company. Therefore, it is mandatory that salespeople are always informed of any updated capacity data, particularly if multiple manufacturing sites in different locations are involved. From the customer's point of view, it is absolutely a plus for the vendor to provide timely capacity information, to allow them to make a quick decision.




VMI hub (Vendor Managed Inventory) 受供應商管理的庫存倉

essential 必要的、不可少的

leverage 力量、影響力、經由槓桿作用所增加的力

bargain 議價、談判

in a much better position 處於更有利狀況下

competitive advantage 競爭優勢

mandatory 強制的

inform 通知、告知

updates 最新的、更新過的

particularly 特別地、格外地

manufacturing site 製造、生產基地

point of view 觀點、看法

absolutely 絕對地

plus 加分(的項目)

timely 及時的、適時的

start 開始

look into 研究、仔細審視

switch 交換器

specific 特定的、明確的

combined 結合的、組合的

won't work for us 在我們這兒行不通、我們不接受

at least 至少、最少、起碼

increase...by n% 增加n%

make quick adjustments 快速調整

additional 另外的、額外的、附加的

as of now 此時此刻、由現在起

how about 如何?怎樣?

issue 問題

C-level executives 最高及經營管理人員

work on 從事、在做

fair enough 合理、可接受

once 一旦

bear in mind 記得、記住

commit 承諾

include...in 包括在內、包含在內

sure I will 我一定會、當然會去做,口語常用




參考資料: B2B企業英語會話








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