
The longest 3D painting in the world

The longest 3D painting in the world

The longest 3D painting in the world was unveiled yesterday and is set to go into theGuinness Book of World Records. The Nanjing made street painting was displayed at theCommunicationUniversityofChina, Nanjing. The painting is called 「Pulse of Youth」 (「青春的律動」) and is 365 meters long, 7.5 meters wide and occupies2,600squaremeters. The creator of the masterpiece is3DstenographicartistYangYongchun (楊永春). The artist and his student took two weeks to create the painting, reportsChina Daily. The work is a mish-mash of images including rape (that』s the flowers, obviously), the Nanjing Youth Olympic mascot 『Lele』, snow, the Yangtze River, and a bird』s eye view of Nanjing city』s main building, as well as other amazing aspects of the Nanjingurbanlandscape.


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