



China and the EU support the various efforts to find a peaceful solution to the question of the Korean Peninsula. Since the beginning of the year, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has significantly eased. 


The two sides welcome the commitments made at the DPRK-US and inter-Korean summits, including the commitment to complete denuclearisation, and call upon all parties fully and comprehensively to implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.


China and the EU recalled that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a key element of the global non-proliferation architecture and a significant diplomatic achievement endorsed unanimously by the UN Security Council in its Resolution 2231. Both sides welcomed the fact that the IAEA has again confirmed the continued adherence by Iran to its nuclear-related commitments. They reaffirm their commitment to the continued, full and effective implementation of the JCPOA.


On the peace process in the Middle East, both sides confirmed their support for a two-state solution, under which the two states live side by side in security within internationally recognized borders, with Jerusalem as their capital, and in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.


China and the EU support a political solution to the Syrian conflict in line with UNSCR 2254 as this is the only path towards lasting peace and stability that would fully defeat terrorism in Syria. China and the EU call for increased humanitarian access and protection of civilians.


China and the EU welcome the efforts of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General (SRSG) for Libya, Ghassan Salamé. In line with his Action Plan presented in September 2017, they renew their support for the stabilisation of Libya, in order to bring the country out of its long transition phase through an inclusive Libyan-led political reconciliation process within the framework of the Libyan Political Agreement, with elections to be held by 2018 based on an adequate constitutional framework.


China and the EU are committed to work together and co-ordinate closely on the peace process in Afghanistan, which should be Afghan-owned and Afghan-led, as well as on stability and security in order to facilitate Afghanistan's economic and social development and greater regional economic connectivity.

5. 中國、歐盟及歐盟成員國是《聯合國海洋法公約》的締約方,尊重以國際法爲基礎的海上秩序。歐盟歡迎中國和東盟國家爲達成有效的“南海行爲準則”(CoC)進行的磋商。雙方呼籲有關各方開展對話,和平解決爭端,避免可能加劇緊張的行爲。

5. China, the EU and its Member States are parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and respect the maritime order based on international law. The EU welcomes the ongoing consultations between China and ASEAN countries aimed at the conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct (CoC) for the South China Sea. China and the EU call upon all relevant parties to engage in dialogue, to settle disputes peacefully, and to refrain from actions likely to increase tensions.

6. 中國和歐盟將就安全和防務政策保持高層交往,通過政策對話機制加強溝通、促進合作,積極拓展雙方人員培訓和研討交流,保持反海盜護航、國際維和等領域的合作勢頭。

6. China and the EU will maintain high-level exchanges on security and defence policy, strengthen their communication and facilitate cooperation through policy dialogue mechanisms, actively promote training and seminars for personnel, and maintain the momentum of cooperation in such areas as anti-piracy escort missions and international peacekeeping.

7. 中國和歐盟同意在平等和相互尊重的基礎上開展雙邊和國際層面的人權交流,包括在聯合國人權機制下的交流。雙方歡迎七月份在中國舉行的人權對話。

7. China and the EU agreed to conduct exchanges on human rights at the bilateral and international level on the basis of equality and mutual respect, including in the context of UN human rights mechanisms. Both sides welcomed the holding of their Human Rights Dialogue in China in July.

8. 雙方堅定致力於打造開放型世界經濟,提高貿易投資自由化便利化,抵制保護主義與單邊主義,推動更加開放、平衡、包容和普惠的全球化。雙方堅定支持以世貿組織爲核心、以規則爲基礎、透明、非歧視、開放和包容的多邊貿易體制並承諾遵守現行世貿規則。雙方還承諾就世貿組織改革開展合作,以迎接新挑戰,併爲此建立世貿組織改革副部級聯合工作組。

8. The two sides are strongly committed to fostering an open world economy, improving trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation, resisting protectionism and unilateralism, and making globalisation more open, balanced, inclusive, and beneficial to all. Both sides firmly supported the rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system with the WTO as its core and are committed to complying with existing WTO rules. They are also committed to cooperating on the reform of the WTO to help it meet new challenges and establish a joint working group on WTO reform, chaired at Vice-Ministerial level, to this end.

9. 雙方認可經貿高層對話在指導和促進中歐經貿關係中發揮的重要作用。歐盟注意到中國近期致力於改善市場準入和投資環境,加強知識產權保護,擴大進口,期待這些舉措得到全面落實並採取進一步的舉措。雙方致力於在雙邊貿易和投資領域確保公平和互利合作,並將合作解決各自企業面臨的市場準入問題。

9. The two sides recognised the important role that the High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue has played in guiding and promoting the development of China-EU economic and trade relations. The EU took note of China's recent commitments to improving market access and the investment environment, strengthening intellectual property rights and expanding imports, and looks forward to their full implementation as well as further measures. The two sides committed to ensuring a level playing field and mutually beneficial cooperation in bilateral trade and investment, and will work together to solve the market access issues facing businesses on both sides.



