旅遊雜誌 CNTraveler 讀者評選2014年「全世界最友善/最不友善城市」 


What are the world's friendliest / unfriendliest cities?




Australians and New Zealanders tend to get annoyed when their accents get mistaken for one another, but there's one thing they do share.

Both countries can lay claim to hosting the world's friendliest city, with Melbourne and Auckland jointly taking top honors in a new survey.

Another southern hemisphere destination -- South Africa's Johannesburg -- didn't fare quite as well, being named as the most unfriendly.




不過,同樣位處於南半球 - 南非約翰尼斯堡,命運則大不同,因為居高不下的犯罪率而被列為全球最不友善城市 


□ Jointly (adv.) 共同地
□ Hemisphere (n.) (地球的) 半球



It’s no surprise that our readers adore Melbourne: It’s “one of the classiest cities in the world” and boasts an “abundance of parks and fabulous public art.” Plus, Melbournians are a “friendly bunch,” famous for their “wonderful sense of humor.” And don’t even start with Melbourne’s amazing nightlife, food, and hotels—we told you long ago it was Australia’s capital of cool.





□ Boast (v.) 以有而自豪;擁有,包含

 Our school library boasts quite a few rare books.


□ Bunch (n.) 一群,一幫


Auckland, New Zealand


The people are friendly, and their humor and view on life is something to aspire to attain,” said one reader. “Such a gorgeous city on the water” with “clear air,” “fresh food,” and “amazing culture,” others raved. A trip to the Auckland Museum for its Maori collections and “terrific” cultural performances is highly recommended. If you've never been to New Zealand, this "clean, youthful, adventurous, beautiful" city is the “ideal starting place” for seeing the country.





□ Aspire (v.) 熱望,嚮往 + to

 The boy aspired to become an engineer.


□ Rave (v.) 極力誇獎




 World's friendliest cities


11. Budapest, Hungary 布達佩斯,匈牙利

9 (tie). Seville, Spain 塞維利亞,西班牙

9 (tie). Savannah, Georgia, USA 薩凡納 (喬治亞州),美國

8. Cape Town, South Africa 開普敦,南非

7. Siem Reap, Cambodia 暹粒,柬埔寨

5 (tie). Sydney, Australia 雪梨,澳洲

5 (tie). Dublin, Ireland 都柏林,愛爾蘭

4. Charleston, South Carolina, USA 查爾斯頓 (南卡羅來納州),美國

3. Victoria, BC, Canada 維多利亞,加拿大

1 (tie). Melbourne, Australia 墨爾本,澳洲

1 (tie). Auckland, New Zealand 奧克蘭,紐西蘭



□ Tie (n.) 平手 / (v.) 打成平手 + with / for

 The game ended in a tie.



Johannesburg, South Africa 


 World's unfriendliest cities


10. Nassau, Bahamas 拿索,巴哈馬

9. Monte Carlo, Monaco 蒙地卡羅,摩納哥

8. Milan, Italy 米蘭,義大利

7. Frankfurt, Germany 法蘭克福,德國

6. Beijing, China 北京,中國

5. Marseille, France 馬賽,法國

4. Paris, France 巴黎,法國

3. Moscow, Russia 莫斯科,俄羅斯

2. Cannes, France 坎城,法國

1. Johannesburg, South Africa 約翰尼斯堡,南非





