
【2019 赚爆美金】你不能不知的网赚,最佳填问卷平台推荐(ClixSense 获取额外奖金 ClixAddon奖金教学)

ClixSense 已经不再提供『点击广告』(PTC)赚钱了.......『填问卷 Survey』才是目前全球的网赚趋势

ClixAddon是一个ClixSense浏览器扩充功能,随时提醒有新问卷(Survey)或新任务(Task),比e-mail 收问卷通知更快速、也不会遗漏。

而且,ClixAddon 也提供『额外的奖金Bonus』


ClixAddon 说明如下:

What is the Daily Checklist Bonus?

The Daily Checklist not only helps you keep track of your daily ClixSense activity it also rewards you for being an active ClixSense member.

For each day that you complete your Daily Checklist, a bonus of up to 16.0% will be added to your account balance at the end of that day. The bonus amount you can earn is unlimited; it only depends on your activity.

This bonus will be calculated from your total personal earnings that include your completed Figure Eight Tasks and completed Offers and Surveys. Other bonuses and referral commissions are not included. Video Offers and Kiip rewards are also not included.

In order to complete the Daily Checklist you need to:

每日待完成的Daily Checklist ,完成至少10项Figure Eight Tasks 任务 或者 至少2项 offers/survey问卷 或者 至少5项Figure Eight Tasks 任务/至少1项 offers/survey问卷

  1. Complete at least 10 Figure Eight Tasks; or
  2. Complete at least 2 offers or surveys from the offers and surveys pages; or
  3. Complete at least 5 Figure Eight Tasks and at least 1 offer or survey from the offers and surveys pages;
每日完成以下3项,最高额外奖金:帐户余额16% (奖金没有上限限制)



Daily Checklist Bonus 12.0%
ClixAddon Extra Bonus ¹ 2.0%
Activity Extra Bonus ² 2.0%
Maximum Possible Bonus 16.0%


¹ ClixAddon Extra Bonus: Complete the checklist and run the ClixAddon for at least one hour in a given day to earn this extra bonus. Important: Survey notifications must be enabled under options. 前提是完成每日checklist,当然不要关闭ClixAddon(每日至少开启1小时以上,一般是不会关掉/移除才是)

² Activity Extra Bonus: By completing the checklist three days in a row you will earn this extra bonus on the third day, for that day's earnings, and every other day thereafter given that you complete the checklist continuously. If you fail to complete the checklist in a given day the bonus will reset. Take the following table as an example:


连续3天完成Daily Checklist 才有再多2%额外奖金(如果中断了,就得重新累计计算了,下表有范例说明)


Day # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Was the checklist completed?  
Activity bonus awarded?


If for some reason you do not get credit for completing a Task, Survey or Offer on a given day, or if payment is delayed into a following day, the checklist of that day will not take the missing credits into consideration; payments are not retroactive, they will instead count only towards the day when they are actually received.

There will be slow days, with not enough Tasks, Surveys or Offers. You may or may not be able to complete your checklist in such days. We cannot be held responsible for this.

These conditions may change at any time and an announcement will be made in that event.

Last updated on: January 11, 2018

(要注意每日PM 13:00 整点归零计算)







1.ClicxSense (3周,约$10 usd)

2.GlobalTestMarket (2周,约$150元)

3.Rakuten Insight (3周,约$140元)

ClixSense 收益(2019.1 目前$46 usd)

Rakuten 收益

未来,网赚,『填问卷平台』已经是趋势了~ 怎么说呢?!


---『Survey 填问卷』是平台中获取奖励/金币最主要的来源 未来的广告,也必定是网路上广告展示,各企业厂商为获取消费者资讯,除了利用AI大数据,再来就是『问卷』,问卷就是了解消费者意向.......

所以,这就给『网赚』多了一项相当重要的获利来源 你想要增加被动收入吗?!



哈哈~主要是GlobalTestMarket 是最先让我赚到钱的,180 points = $ NT.150 (仅仅3天) 而且,$150元完全到帐


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