
Simple Plan - Singing In The Rain (簡單計畫 - 雨中漫唱) 中英文歌詞翻譯@歡譯新大陸


剛聽到的時候有一種refresh 的感覺我也說不上來哈哈









Singing In The Rain
(feat. R. City)

I’m reading through the Sunday paper and it’s all bad news / 我讀完整份滿是壞消息的週日報
I’m looking for a smile on the streets but it’s just no use / 我走上街尋求一個微笑卻是無效之舉
Sing with me now… / 拜託阿現在陪我唱首歌吧~

I jump into my car, turn the key, but it just won’t start / 我上了車, 插了鑰匙, 卻發不動
I got a text from my ex, it’s official she just broke my heart / 我收到前女友的簡訊, 一如往常地傷了我的心

Storm clouds are circling around / 我感覺即將風起雲湧
But I won’t let that shit drag me down / 但我不會讓這鬼東西害我心情變差

So I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing in the rain (Singing in the rain) / 所以我將在雨中漫唱(在雨中漫唱)
I’ve got a song in my heart and I’m bulletproof / 我心裡有譜而且我無堅不摧
There’s nothing in the world that’s gonna kill this mood / 這世上沒有一樣事物能扼殺我的好心情
No matter what life wants to throw my way / 就算生活一直想變調
I’ll be singing, I’ll be singing in the rain / 我仍會唱, 在雨中慢歌

I went to see a fortune teller and she said I’m doomed / 我去找算命師她說我很雖
But what the hell does she know / 但TMD她又知道了
Why she trying to break my groove / 她根本只是想吐槽

All of life’s colors turn to gray / 人生變灰色
Then you turn around and you smile my way / 這時你回眸對我一笑
Suddenly all my problems disappear on cue / 突然間所有的問題都消失了
(All because of you) / (全是因為你)

Storm clouds are circling around / 我感覺即將風起雲湧
But I won’t let that shit drag me down / 但我不會讓這鬼東西害我心情變差

So I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing in the rain (Singing in the rain) / 所以我將在雨中漫唱(在雨中漫唱)
I’ve got a song in my heart and I’m bulletproof / 我心裡有譜而且我無堅不摧
There’s nothing in the world that’s gonna kill this mood / 這世上沒有一樣事物能扼殺我的好心情
No matter what life wants to throw my way / 就算生活一直想變調
I’ll be singing, I’ll be singing in the rain / 我仍會唱, 在雨中慢歌

Storm clouds are circling around / 我感覺即將風起雲湧
But I won’t let that shit drag me down / 但我不會讓這鬼東西害我心情變差

So I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing (I’ll be singing) / 所以我將唱(我將唱)
I’ll be singing in the rain (Singing in the rain) / 所以我將在雨中漫唱(在雨中漫唱)
I’ve got a song in my heart and I’m bulletproof / 我心裡有譜而且我無堅不摧
There’s nothing in the world that’s gonna kill this mood / 這世上沒有一樣事物能扼殺我的好心情
No matter what life wants to throw my way / 就算生活一直想變調
I’ll be singing, I’ll be singing in the rain / 我仍會唱, 在雨中慢歌
