
鄧福如 Nothing on you (中英對照 中文歌詞)


鄧福如 Nothing on you

(中英對照 中文歌詞)





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鄧福如 Nothing on you

(中英對照 中文歌詞)


Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing 

全世界的美女那麼多 我都可以去追

But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby

不過那隻會浪費我的時間 因為對我來說 她們根本不算什麼 親愛的

Nothing on you, baby

沒有人比得上妳 親愛的

They might say hi, and I might say hey 

她們可能跟我打個招呼 我也會回應一聲

But you shouldn't worry, about what they say

妳實在不必擔心 她們跟我說了些什麼

Cuz they got nothing on you, baby (Yeah) 

因為她們都比不上妳啊 親愛的(真的)

Nothing on you, baby (N-n-n-nothing on you baby, n-nothing on you) 

沒人比得上妳 親愛的(誰都比不上妳 親愛的)

[Verse 1- B.o.B] 

I know you feel where I'm coming from 

我知道妳看得出 我是什麼樣的人

Regardless of the things in my past that I've done 


Most of it really was for the hell of the fun 


On a carousel, so around I spun 

就像坐旋轉木馬 我玩得團團轉

With no direction, just tryna get some 

沒有任何方向 抓住什麼就玩

Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun 

到處把妹 享樂快活

And so I lost more than I had ever won 

所以 我失去的遠比我得到的更多

And honestly, I ended up with none 

老實說 到頭來我一無所有

[Bridge- Bruno Mars] 

It's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience 

做過太多愚蠢的事 我捫心自問

I'm thinking "maybe I should get it out" 

我想 "也許我該將它拋開"

And I don't wanna sound redundant 


But I was wondering, if there was something that you wanna know 

不過我曾想過 有沒有哪些事是妳想知道的

But never mind that, we should let it go 

不過那都不重要 把它給忘了吧

Cause we don't wanna be a t.v. episode 


And all the bad thoughts, just let em go, go, go 

讓那些負面的思緒通通遠離 把它們全忘了吧


[Verse 2- B.o.B] 

Hands down, there will never be another one (nope) 

聽說接下來 你還會有其他的女人 (沒有)

I've been around, and I've never seen another one (never) 

我看了一下 好像真的沒有呢 (絕對沒有)

Because your style, I 'aint really got nothin' on (nothing) 

因為你的風度翩翩 真的沒人比得上你 (誰都比不上)

And you wild when you 'aint got nothin' on? (haha) 

所以 你就可以任性狂野? (嘿啊)

Baby you the whole package 

親愛的 妳實在太完美了

Plus you pay your taxes

品德高尚 內外兼修

And you keep it real, while them others stay plastic 

當其他人還在矯柔做作 而妳仍保有赤子之心

You're my Wonder Woman, call me Mr. Fantasti
