

被遺忘的房子 lfvisas 原創發表





  1. 成為PR;
  2. 滿足居住時間;
  3. 依法納稅;
  4. 語言測試合格;
  5. 入籍考試合格;
  6. 宣誓入籍;


通俗點說就是要向入籍加拿大首先得是加拿大永久居民,但在加拿大出生的除外,即首先得是加拿大PR(Permanent Resident status)身份。
加拿大BC省提名移民 BCPNP



當前來說獲得加拿大永久居民身份最簡單的方式是通過省提名或者僱主擔保移民的方式,比如 BC省提名即BCPNP,薩省提名移民,而傳統的EE技術類移民已經不適合廣大的國內申請人了,具體原因詳見:

  • 文章1:《從數據看:為何加拿大EE移民形同雞肋?國內普通申請路在何方?》,鏈接:
  • weibo.com/ttarticle/p/s
  • 文章2:《加拿大EE移民形同雞肋?省提名僱主擔保纔是出路?》

關於加拿大BC省提名移民和薩省僱主擔保移民,可致私信諮詢二,需要考察這個人在加拿大的居住時間,即Time you have lived in Canada

根據加拿大移民法案中入籍的規定:Regardless of your age, you must have been physically present in Canada for at least:

  • 1095 days during the five years right before the date you sign your application


  • visitor,旅遊訪問簽證
  • student,學生簽證
  • worker or,工作簽證
  • temporary resident permit holder臨時居住許可


三,就是收入稅的要求了,即 Income tax filing
加拿大報稅 Income tax

根據加拿大移民法規定:Regardless of your age, if required under the Income Tax Act, you must meet your personal income tax filing obligations in three tax years that are fully or partially within the five years right before the date you apply.

即不管申請人的年齡,在遞交申請的5年之內,如果需要在所得稅法下,你必須符合你的個人所得稅申報的3年稅收義務全部或部分。俗話說中國人習慣於在加拿大養老享受,所以忽略了作為PR的交稅義務,導致有些人的入籍申請被退回,而且因為沒有納稅的記錄,連永居也給取消了,得不償失。四,再下來就是語言測試Language abilities了加拿大入籍考試語言中有英語和法語兩種,為了入籍做考慮申請人必須展示自己有聽說的能力。

Canada has two official languages: English and French. To become a citizen, you must show that you can speak and listen in one of these languages. This means you can:

  • 即日常對話交流;take part in short, everyday conversations about common topics
  • 理解明白最基本的介紹,提問,和方向;understand simple instructions, questions and directions
  • 利用最基本的語法包括簡單的結構和時態;use basic grammar, including simple structures and tenses
  • 需要了解足夠的常用辭彙和短語回答問題和表達自己的想法。show you know enough common words and phrases to answer questions and express yourself。

18-54歲之間的申請人需要展示或者證明自己的語言能力;If you are 18 to 54 years old, you must submit proof that demonstrates you can speak and listen in English or French at this level. Find out what examples you can send with your application.18歲以下申請入籍的則無需滿足語言要求;Note: Applicants under 18 years of age applying under the subsection 5(1) or 5(2) grant category do not have to meet the language requirement.入籍的考官將決定你如何在面試用英語或法語交流。入籍的考官將最終決定您的申請是否通過。Citizenship staff will decide how well you can communicate in English or French during your interview. A citizenship officer will make the final decision on your application.五,關於加拿大的常識考試,即你瞭解加拿大嗎?

Discover Canada

How well you know Canada ?成為加拿大公民需要參加入籍考試,申請人需要了解知悉關於加拿大的:價值,歷史,代表元素符號,政府機構,權利義務以及其他公民的權利,責任和特權,比如投票選舉和遵守法律。

To become a citizen, you』ll need to take a test to meet the knowledge requirement for citizenship. You』ll need to answer questions about Canada』s:
  • values
  • history
  • symbols
  • institutions
  • rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship, such as voting in elections and obeying the law

測試可以用英語和法語作答,依據《發現加拿大學習指南》作答,通常在一份書面格式,除非你需要口頭入籍考試官,考試時申請者滿足18歲到54歲之間,不滿18周歲免除試。如果考試者需要住宿,加拿大政府也可以安排,所有關於考試的內容都出自於Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship》,如果您需要這本書的電子文檔可以發私信索取。The tests are:
  • in English or French
  • made up of questions based on the Discover Canada study guide
  • usually in a written format, unless you need to take it orally with a citizenship officer
  • given to applicants 18 to 54 years old.Note: Applicants under 18 years of age applying under the 5(1) and 5(2) grant category do not have to meet the knowledge requirement.

If you need any accommodations to take the test, let us know as soon as possible.

Everything you need to know for the test is in Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.



  • 在加拿大境外服刑;
  • 在加拿大服務期限監禁,假釋或緩刑;
  • 被指控受審,或參與上訴:
  1. 犯有在加拿大公訴罪行;
  2. 加拿大外犯罪以的;
  • 已被定罪的四年之前的申請國籍的:
  1. 犯有在加拿大公訴罪行;
  2. 加拿大外犯罪以的;

特別提示:服刑期間的監禁,假釋或緩刑不算隨著時間你住在加拿大。If you have committed a crime in or outside Canada, you may not be eligible to become a Canadian citizen for a period of time. This includes if you:
  • are serving a sentence outside Canada
  • are serving a term of imprisonment, on parole or on probation in Canada
  • are charged with, on trial for, or involved in an of an:
    • indictable offence in Canada
    • offence outside Canada
  • have been convicted in the four years before applying for citizenship of an:
    • indictable offence in Canada
    • offence outside Canada

Time spent serving a term of imprisonment, on parole, or on probation doesn』t count as time you have lived in Canada.

上述內容由 財瑛移民副總 資深移民行業自媒體人 被遺忘的房子 翻譯整理,如有錯誤敬請諒解,嚴禁轉載他用。具體內容詳見加拿大移民局官網:canada.ca/en/immigratio

