

[For English Sub plz , check the commment]

例如昨天打得文章裡提到,之前情人節我要出門走路去超市買東西, 她抱著我一直哭不讓我去, 說怕我被綁架, 因為我們24小時都待在一起, 我突然不見她會慌張~~

或是她被蚊子叮了一個包, 就會跟我說 
Laura : 兆緯,妳看,這裡紅紅的一包, 我快要死掉了啦, 趕快救我!!!! ( 非常慌張 認真的表情~~

還有要去台灣前因為我跟她說台灣很熱, 空氣也沒德國新鮮, 她馬上.....
Laura : 這樣我會不會熱死, 還是缺氧之類的 TAT
所以這次來台灣她帶了超多藥, 什麼都準備XDDDD

還有因為馬航被擊落的事件 ,我們當時似乎有飛越那個攻擊的國家, 在飛機上 Laura就比著飛機航行圖, 跟我說.....
Laura : "我們快飛過那個國家了啦 會被擊落啦!!!"
我 : 別緊張啦 , 就算被擊落我們也什麼都沒辦法做呀~

不過我都會很理智的安撫她 >"<
人們對於還沒接觸的事物難免會感到害怕, 不過她已經超越極限了 XDDDD

當然之後她知道被蚊子叮不會死掉, 她還是會跟我說她快死掉了要我救她, 超級賣萌 >M<
 英文翻譯 English translation !

[She is afraid of everything]

Laura always afraid of things.
For example, last Valentine's day, i just wanted to go to Supermarket to buy some roses for her. But she didnt allow me to go, cause she was afraid that someone kidnapped me.

Or she got a injure from animal, then told me....

Laura : Jou Wei , i just got an injury from animal, i will die...... ( with seruous face

Or before we went to Taiwan, i told her it will be very hot in Taiwan, and the air in Germany is more fresh.
Then she told me.....

Laura : maybe i will die for hot, or hypoxic TAT
So this time she took so many medicine to Taiwan, but of course, it was all fine.

And one time the airplane got attackted on the air, she also fear of it.
I just told her, if we really got attack, we can do nothing for it. 
I always comfort her, make her down.

After she knew that she doesnt die because of the injury from mosquito, she still told me that she will die and ask me for saving her life. 
It is quite cute, i love it. 