Bank of Japan sets 2-percent 1)inflation target, 2)'open-ended' asset purchases-Courtesy of The China Post

TOKYO -- Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a “monetary 3)regime change” Tuesday as the central bank 4)bowed to government pressure, setting a 2 percent inflation target aimed at helping the country emerge from its prolonged 5)bout of 6)deflation.

“This opens a passageway toward bold monetary easing,” Abe told reporters after the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and government jointly announced the inflation target and plans for “open-ended” central bank asset purchases similar to the strategy followed by the U.S. Federal Reserve to keep market interest rates low.

1)inflation n. 通貨通膨。
2)open-ended adj 持開放態度,在此指的是沒有限定目標,暗指無限量。
3)regime n. 本指政權、飲食療法,在此指的是財金管制改變。
4)bow to v 向~低頭,讓步,同意之意。
5)bout n. 本指拳擊比賽的一回合,此指短期。
6)deflation n. 通貨緊縮

背景知識(Courtesy of Wiki):
通貨緊縮(英文:deflation,又稱通縮),意指整體物價水準下降,是一個與通貨膨脹相反的概念。一般認為通貨膨脹率低於0(負的通貨膨脹率)時會 發生通貨緊縮。請注意通貨緊縮與反通貨膨脹(通貨膨脹率下降)不同。通貨膨脹會使貨幣的實際購買力下降,通貨緊縮會使貨幣的實際購買力上升。通過通貨緊 縮,相同數量的貨幣可以使人們購買更多的商品。
