1. 52 places to visit in 2015. (nytimes.com)

2. A crazy GIF on what happens to a woman's body during pregnancy. (imgur.com)

3. The ultimate flow chart to help you clean out your closet. (vogue.com)

4. Interior trends of 2015. (remodelista.com)

5. 5 inspiring French twist ponytails. (Le Fashion)

6. Lauren Spencer King makes a place where the past and present meet with art. (thepetticoat.net)

7. Has David Bowie worn different hairstyles over the course of his career? Let us count, or rather see, the ways.

8. Think you know the maps of some of the world’s subways lines? Take this short quiz to see how you fare (no pun intended).

9. Illustrated facts about San Francisco. (thebolditalic.com)

10. Seven surprising things that will help you stop worrying. (fastcompany.com)

11. The real meanings behind old expressions. (mashable.com)

12. I love the idea of this 30-day minimalist challenge. (into-mind.com)

13. The truth about your bookcase.

14. How amazing does this hostel look? Yes, hostel.

15. If you love cats, culture, fashion, and music, in that order, then you must get the new issue of this magazine.

16. J. Crew knows what it does best and keeps doing it. Their catalogs prove it.

17. http://word-watcher.blogspot.tw/2010/01/capitonym-tangier.html

18. Everything Karl Lagerfeld hates.

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