You won't believe somethings really can happen in your real life even it's really like a dream!



After traveled 3 days along the coastline, they arrive Karolina’s home at Brisbane. Karolina takes them into their big villa near the beach.  Karolina’s parents are preparing delicious dinner to welcome Katherine and her mother. They have not seen each other for very long time since they immigrated to Australia. Karolina’s mother gives Katherine a very big hug and kisses her on the cheek. For her, Katherine is like her another daughter. During the dinner, they have endless topics to talk about. Because of very happy, Karolina’s father drinks too much wine and drunken at the end of the dinner. It’s really a very joyful dinner.

Karolina arranges a room facing the sea for Katherine. In the night, she can see the moon shining in the sky because Karolina knows Katherine will write Akira postcards before sleep, a window facing the sea is the best place to miss the person you love.

Katherine stays happily at Karolina’s home. Sometimes Karolina drives her to the Brisbane center shopping. Sometimes they swim together in the pool and have BBQ with whole family and Arjan. Sometimes they don’t do anything just sitting in the garden looking at the sea and blue sky talking about their dreams. “What is your dream?” Karolina asks Katherine. Katherine keeps silent for a long while and says: Before I did have very many dreams. I want to be a doctor. I want to help many people who need help. I want to travel all over the world. But now, I only hope I won’t become blind soon and staying with Akira longer. Then Katherine says: My best sister, if something bad happens to me in the future, can you please take care of Akira on behalf of me? He is a very good man and he is so lonely without any family and needs love in his life. After hearing this, Karolina also becomes silent and feels sad for Katherine. Karolina says: No. please don’t say this. Nothing bad will happen to you.

Christmas is coming but it is summer in Australia. Karolina has never spent Christmas in summer. Christmas is also a very special day for Akira. It’s his birthday. But in Taiwan not many people celebrate Christmas and it’s not a public holiday everybody still needs to work or need to go to school. At the Christmas Eve, Karolina’s parents prepare a very special pool side dinner for Katherine and her mother. They have the dinner under the sky with moonshine. The wind blows from the sea and the moonshine sprinkles on the garden. It’s a so special and beautiful Christmas Eve dinner. Of course, at this beautiful moment, Katherine is missing Akira very much.  Especially, they should celebrate together for Akira’s birthday but they couldn’t. After dinner, to make Katherine feel better not missing Akira so much. Karolina walks together with Katherine on the beach to see the beautiful moonlight shining on the sea. They almost forget Arjan. This makes Arjan feel very disappointed with this Christmas Eve. So he requests another party to the Gold Coast the next day.

Before go to bed, Katherine sitting in front of the window looking at the moon and writing a postcard to Akira.


“My love A.

Today is the Christmas Eve. We had a very special dinner under the sky in the garden. This dinner should be with you together for celebrating your birthday. I am really sorry about my absence of your birthday. Tomorrow we will go to the beautiful Gold Coast. There is a Paradise Of Surfers. You like surfing very much. If you could be there, I think you will be very happy. How I wish I could fly, flying to your arms, flying into your dreams. Happy birthday my love. I miss you so much and I love you!


Your love K. “

On the other side in Taiwan, Akira couldn’t fall asleep and he has been waiting for the call from Katherine whole night but tonight there is still no any calls from Katherine.


The next day is the birthday of Akira, he wakes up very early as usual and riding his motorbike to work. He got used to spend his birthday alone. So he just works very hard and tries not to miss Katherine too much.


At Brisbane, Katherine invites her mother to go to GOLD COAST with them. But her mother says: party and surfing are the activities of you young guys. Just enjoy it and I will stay at villa with Karolina’s mother to enjoy the coffee time in the garden. So Arjan drives with Karolina and Katherin to the GOLD COAST. Karolina’s mother prepared very many delicious foods for them to have a picnic on the beach. Also Arjan brings his surf board on the car and he will enjoy surfing on the Paradise Of Surfers.

On the beach of Gold Coast, Karolina and Katherine are still the same having endless topics to talk and ignore the existence of Arjan. So he is a bit angery and go to surf. He tries to catch the attention of Karolina and Katherine. So he tries his best to show his surfing skill but Karolina and Katherine still keep talking without have a glance at Arjan.

To cause their attention, Arjan paddles to the rock area with bigger waves. Over there he really catches and rides some big ways and shouts with exciting sound. Karolina looks at him and gives him thumbs up with a smile then keeps talking to Katherine.

After a while both of them don’t hear any sound from Arjan, They feel strange and try to search him on the sea. Then they found Arjan is floating with his surf board on the water with full of blood on his head. Then Karolina and Katherine run to the sea and swim to save Arjan. Karolina is very good at swimming but she still needs Katherine’s help to pull back Arjan to the beach. They pull Arjan onto the surf board and try to push him back to the beach. Suddenly a very big wave covers on them.  After the wave gone, Arjan and Karolina are washed by the wave back to the shore but Katherine disappears in the sea.

Karolina shouts Help! Help! Help But it’s the Christmas day, not many people around.

After the coastline lifeguards arrived, they call the ambulance to send Arjan to the hospital then tried very hard to search Katherine in the sea. After 30 minutes, they find Katherine but she lost her life signs already. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital, the first aid nurse is trying to do CPR to save Katherine, but until arrives hospital, she still can’t recover her breath and heartbeat. The emergency department doctor tried very hard to save Katherine’s life. Finally she recovered her very weak heartbeat but still in a very serious coma.  Fortunately, Arjan recovered his breath and heartbeat after the CPR.

(To be continued)   



