
經濟學人大解惑 - 為什麼時尚週不再時尚了?

Why fashion week is passé



The Economist explains

Why fashion week is passé

Mar 8th 2016, 23:00 BY C.H.




DESIGNERS should love fashion week. It is the culmination of months of work. Celebrities clamour to attend their shows, then study each model as if the world’s future rested on the cut of a skirt. But designers are pouting about the biannual ritual—so much so that the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) commissioned America’s perhaps least glamourous group, management consultants, to explore their complaints. The Boston Consulting Group interviewed more than 50 people, including designers, editors, bloggers and retailers. The result of that study was published last week. So why is fashion week no longer fashio­­­nable?





Fashion week used to serve a distinct purpose. Designers would prepare collections and present clothes to the press, to major retailers and to select other industry insiders. Fashion editors would then prepare sumptuous magazine spreads featuring the clothes they liked best. Retailers would order this or that dress. About four to six months later, those clothes would appear in shops.





Technology has upended all this. As soon as models sashay down the runway, photographs are posted online and shared endlessly through social media. Fast-fashion brands copy designers’ styles (though the industry prefers the euphemism “interpret”), often stocking look-alikes in their shops before designers’ own clothes make it to department stores. When designers’ clothes do arrive, they seem stale . It is no coincidence that the world's top two retailers are TJX and Inditex. TJX buys brand-name clothes from stores that can't sell them at full price, then offers them at a deep discount. Inditex owns Zara, the pioneer in fast fashion.






Few designers like the current system. Less obvious is what they should do next. One idea is for fashion houses to show clothes to only certain people, such as retailers and some press. Designers would stage a bigger, public presentation four to six months later, when those clothes are available in stores. There would, of course, be the threat that some images would leak. Another idea would be to continue the current system, but make a small subset of clothes available immediately. Designers are already testing new ideas. Burberry and Tom Ford, for example said their September fashion shows would show clothes available immediately. For the forseeable future, experimentation will be in vogue.



另一個想法是繼續現在這樣的體制,但是讓一小部分的衣服立刻上架。設計師們已經在測試新的點子。比方說BurberryTom Ford就宣布他們九月的時裝秀會展示立馬就買得到的衣服。


(咩按:FOREVER 21, GAP, H&M等是知名的快速時尚品牌, 依照本文的說法,他們不是高檔名牌服飾的零售商,而是複製者。快速時尚品牌可參見

