At 2 days old this wee Haast tokoeka chick is getting his/her navel sprayed with betadine. Just prior to hatching, kiwi internalize their yolk sack which has been inside the egg with them throughout incubation. For the first few days of life we spray the navel with betadine which is where the yolk sack internalized into the chick. This avoids any infections from occurring. I think we can all relate to this chicks surprise when it feels the cooler betadine on its little tum.

West Coast Wildlife Centre 發佈於 2018年11月18日 星期日


澳洲西海岸野生動物中心(West Coast Wildlife Centre)收容了一隻奇異鳥寶寶,保育員將牠抱在懷裡,咖啡色毛茸茸的身體加上長長的鳥喙,看起來就像《怪獸與他們的產地》裡的「玻璃獸」。


