美國加州大學戴維斯分校、愛爾蘭梅努斯大學和美國加州理工學院的計算機科學家研發出一種 DNA 分子,它可通過自身運行程序自行組裝。該研究於今年3月發表於《自然》雜誌。


  翻譯 頁一


  編輯 沛米

  “我們的終極目標是利用運算實現結構生長和更復雜的分子工程,”該研究的共同一作、加州大學戴維斯分校計算機科學助理教授 David Doty 說道。


  “能設計這種多元性算法,我們自己也感到驚訝,雖然目前只能進行 6 位輸入。” Doty 說,在實驗過程中研究人員設計並運行了 21 種算法,這展示了系統具備的潛力。

  Doty 是加州理工學院 Erik Winfree 教授的博士後,作爲本文的共同一作,他和梅努斯大學的 Damien Woods 一起設計了文庫來儲存這些 DNA 片段。每個 DNA 片段包含由 42 個鹼基(A,C,G 或 T),共分爲四個結構域,每個結構域內含 10-11 個鹼基。每一個結構域代表 1 或 0,它們可以與其他片段的結構域粘在一起。沒有任何兩塊 DNA 片段是完全匹配的。

  這四個結構域中分別有兩個“輸入”和兩個“輸出”。在電子二極管、晶體管或邏輯閘中,輸入端爲 0 或 1 的值在輸出端會被給予一個已知值。類似地,研究人員選擇從某些 DNA 片段開始編程,在另一端就會得到一個已知的輸出。

  從最初的 6 位輸入開始,系統一排接一排地添加 DNA 分子,逐步運行算法。成排的 DNA 鏈粘在一起進行計算,這和(普通計算機計算時)電流通過電路不同。


  這個程序的最終結果有點像用 DNA 編織的圍巾,按初始程序將DNA 片段粘結在一起組成一種模式。計算結果通過原子力顯微鏡讀取,這種顯微鏡可以檢測到附着在 DNA 上的標記分子。

  該團隊能夠演示各種任務的算法,包括計數練習、隨機漫步以及繪製如之字形、鑽石以及 DNA 中的雙螺旋等圖形。

  開始這項工作時,Doty 和 Woods 的身份是理論計算機科學家,所以他們必須掌握一些“溼式實驗室”技能(指在液體溶液或揮發性相中處理化學品、藥物或其他物質或生物物質,需要直接通風和專門的管道設施)。Winfree 說,未來分子編程可能在更高層次運行,就好像如今的程序員不需要理解晶體管物理學一樣。

  目前 Doty 在加州大學戴維斯分校從事分子編程的理論研究。他對 DNA 有特殊興趣,因爲 DNA 以分子形式表示信息,而且相對容易操作。



  【標題】Diverse and robust molecular algorithms using reprogrammable DNA self-assembly

  【作者】Damien Woods, David Doty, Cameron Myhrvold, Joy Hui, Felix Zhou, Peng Yin & Erik Winfree

  【時間】2019 年 3 月 20 日




  【摘要】Molecular biology provides an inspiring proof-of-principle that chemical systems can store and process information to direct molecular activities such as the fabrication of complex structures from molecular components. To develop information-based chemistry as a technology for programming matter to function in ways not seen in biological systems, it is necessary to understand how molecular interactions can encode and execute algorithms. The self-assembly of relatively simple units into complex products1 is particularly well suited for such investigations. Theory that combines mathematical tiling and statistical–mechanical models of molecular crystallization has shown that algorithmic behaviour can be embedded within molecular self-assembly processes2,3, and this has been experimentally demonstrated using DNA nanotechnology4 with up to 22 tile types5,6,7,8,9,10,11. However, many information technologies exhibit a complexity threshold—such as the minimum transistor count needed for a general-purpose computer—beyond which the power of a reprogrammable system increases qualitatively, and it has been unclear whether the biophysics of DNA self-assembly allows that threshold to be exceeded. Here we report the design and experimental validation of a DNA tile set that contains 355 single-stranded tiles and can, through simple tile selection, be reprogrammed to implement a wide variety of 6-bit algorithms. We use this set to construct 21 circuits that execute algorithms including copying, sorting, recognizing palindromes and multiples of 3, random walking, obtaining an unbiased choice from a biased random source, electing a leader, simulating cellular automata, generating deterministic and randomized patterns, and counting to 63, with an overall per-tile error rate of less than 1 in 3,000. These findings suggest that molecular self-assembly could be a reliable algorithmic component within programmable chemical systems. The development of molecular machines that are reprogrammable—at a high level of abstraction and thus without requiring knowledge of the underlying physics—will establish a creative space in which molecular programmers can flourish.
