

InVisor想告訴你: 對於你能去到怎樣的學校,或者的錄取幾率多少,從來都沒有放之四海而皆準的法則——相關的因素實在太多,從你個人硬體、軟體的強弱,到每年的申請趨勢變化、學校招生政策的調整……






InVisor建議,如無特殊的情況下,先寫CV(北美和歐洲定義有別,此處統一將Resume歸為CV),因為這可以幫助你系統地整理你過往的所有經歷,激發你的回憶和思考。需要注意的是,研究生申請的CV與求職CV不同。第一,它的篇幅不一定要限定在一頁;第二,最好有學術研究經歷(Research Experience)、獲獎經歷和豐富的課外活動。






1. 深入思考:


(下方表格僅僅供你開拓寫作思路,你的PS中不一定要涉及裡面所有的內容。來源:《InVisor PS問題表 2016.8》)

2. 設計線索和大綱:




3. 完善初稿:




「我在大學階段積累了豐富的課外活動經驗。首先,我參加了···,獲得了···;隨後,我在···完成了···;最後,我踴躍報名···。這些經歷提升了我的綜合能力,使我成為一名出色的申請者。」 (反面教材,請勿參考)



I grew up in a four-room apartment in the middle of Beijing…..(省略)My life was simple. At five years old, it was differentiated by two things, the times I was with my mother and the times I was not…..(省略). I remember nights we would spend together when she was busy with her research and classes; I would sit in a desk next to her, drawing pictures and imagine that I was her personal assistant. I also remember times when I had to stay home alone because she had a lecture to give or errands to run; I would lean against the window sill staring down into the bleak, concrete streets waiting and watching for the return of a petite form in a bright red jacket. Yet despite the forlorn days and the lonely nights, I feel neither regret nor resentment towards those early years or my mother. On the contrary, I am incredibly proud and grateful for all the difficulties she endured in order to raise me properly. Had it not been for my childhood experiences, I would not have matured at such an early age or developed such a strong sense of independence.(Source: 50 Successful Ivy League Application Essays)



Less is more, right?


4. 反覆修改:

Essay、PS這種東西,可能一開始會讓人覺得無從下手,但其實有了思路之後,開始動筆寫,就會輕鬆很多,隨後就是反反覆復地修改了。修改常常比初稿本身重要得多。就像William Zinsser在寫作經典On Writing Well一書中提到的,「The essence of writing is rewriting」,好的寫作有賴於反反覆復地動筆修改。

反覆修改的過程,可以有與你一起申請的小夥伴、你的同學朋友,當然最好有native speaker。對中國人而言,除了專家級專家級英語人士,大多數同學即使英語再「好」,也難以避免寫作中的中式英語(「The work of all but the most highly trained and experienced will inevitably contain elements of Chinglish」 -- 外交部語言審校官Joan Pinkham評論中式英語)。



[email protected])。

1. 這篇500字的文書推薦信出現了不少英語語言上的典型問題。我們的一名InVisor外籍導師(Peter, Language Assesor)據此提供了50餘條評論,每個評論都說明要修改什麼,為什麼做此修改。這也涉及了更換詞語,修改結構,補充內容,以及刪減冗餘信息等諸多方面。

2. 而這篇PS的問題則主要是內容不完善。在審閱了PS初稿後,導師(Warren, PhD)向這位同學提了十幾個針對性的問題;基於同學的回答,導師對全文大部分內容進行了修改和調整,以娓娓道來的形式塑造該同學的形象和對自身、對未來的思考。此外,還將英文轉換成了英式英語的表達風格,以便迎合同學申請目標。



很多學校要求學生提供命題的Essay,而非一封自由發揮的Personal Statement。Essay的內容和架構原理上和PS是相似的,我們需要學會的,是如何通過項目提供的題目提示,來寫出一封能動容招生官的文章。

Essay題目:Describe, in descending order, your 3 most important interests? Justify your answer (limit your answer to 1000 characters spacing included)?


Three interests—Academic research, entrepreneurship as well as language acquisitions outweigh the others. I put academic research in the first place due to my enchantment for my learning fields—management, especially in human resources and finance. Quietly fascinated about social science which functions as a force for social efficiency and value distribution, I started my two major academic certificate researches in both human resources (investigating proper incentives for employees during different pressure levels in a local Chinese private company) and finance (evaluating debatable land finance and housing tax policy in China. I was satisfied --when quantitative methods combining abundant paper references leads to the project completion. Secondly entrepreneurship, I ran an English training education program where I applied management theories (organization design and marketing strategies), while language acquisition is also my taste to strengthen cross-cultural communication ability.

InVisor導師(Katie, Harvard)批判性評價:


  1. 內容符合題目要求,研究興趣和項目(management in human resources and finance)匹配
  2. 不僅說了興趣,更提供了具體例子來支持論點。例子與該同學的CV中的學術經歷相輔相成。
  3. 思路比較清晰,架構明確,邏輯的銜接也比較順暢。



(The essays could be stronger by improving the readability and offering more details and descriptions about the applicant』s skills, experiences, and future goals. )


  1. 為什麼對Human resource和Finance 感興趣? 本文未能說明。
  2. 創業是該同學的一大特色,是他的比較優勢(Comparative Advantage),需要更詳細說明,以便與其他申請者區分開來:創業學會了什麼,具體做了什麼? 這比詳細描述研究經曆本身更能加分。
  3. 「語言學習」的信息不足,且與前面經歷的描寫完全不成比例,需要補充。
  4. 學校詢問Interests,是希望全方位看待一個學生,從課外活動看出一個人的特質。因此,這三個要點本身是否需要替換成其他的興趣愛好,仍需討論。
  5. 語言可讀性和準確性不足。


  1. 你是如何產生對管理的興趣的?有什麼個人、教育及職業發展上的經歷促成你的興趣?(How did you become interested in the field of management? What personal, educational, and professional experiences led to this interest? )
  2. 你從英語培訓的這個經歷中學到了什麼?它幫助你培養了什麼技能?(What did you learn from the experience of running an English training program? What skills did this experience help you develop? )


Academic research, entrepreneurship, and acquiring languages are my primary interests. I place academic research first, due to my life-long intellectual curiosity about management, especially in human resources and finance. Always having been fascinated with the ways in which social scientific issues influence social efficiency and value distribution, I undertook two academic programmes: in human resources, investigating incentives offered to employees during various stressful situations in a local Chinese private company, and in finance, evaluating land finance and housing tax policy in China. My interest in entrepreneurship comes from my early business attempts after high school. By applying the basic project management and marketing strategies acquired through self-study, I successfully established an English training centre with my teammates—it is one thing to proclaim a business idea, quite another to carry it out, and this is where entrepreneurship attracts me the most. Finally, I love learning new languages, whether it be English, Spanish or French. Language is an interesting tool that enables me to better communicate with others from foreign cultures.


1. The student could』ve justified his/her interests in other ways besides work experiences – e.g. having networked with an influential person. Likewise, too much of the essay was focused on the first interest. This could』ve been intentional, but a good balance doesn』t hurt.

2. Remove some of the examples from the academic research section, and add more examples and substantive thoughts to the entrepreneurial and language sections. If I knew more about the author』s goals in life, I might be able to give more tailored advice.

3. Someone who is judging your work might not care whether you were happy/satisfied with something. Focus on what discovery or solution to a problem the research accomplished.

4. 「As well as」 usually is used to connect two long phrases or lists that already contain smaller combination words like 『and』. For example: apples, oranges, and cherries as well as bananas, mangoes, and pears. That phrase also might convey pretentiousness or showmanship more than formality.

5. 「Quietly fascinated」 is an unusual way to say (I interpret) that something is private, personal, or a latent undercurrent.

6. The word 『enchantment』 is a bit old-fashioned and obscure. Intellectual curiosity, which is a quality that many professors I know associate with success as an academic researcher, or long-term or life-long preoccupation or interest, might be better.

7. 『Proper』 indicates a propriety or etiquette judgment, such as by a society/culture, legal system, government, etc. In what sense were the incentives proper?

8. Be aware that 『organization』 is US English. In UK English, it would be organisation. Change all language into English language since HEC is an Europe university.

其實,要在1000個字元(1000 characters spacing included) 內清晰地闡述完所有內容是比較困難的,所以在修改的時候注意詳略適當,注意補充和突出重點內容。同時,其他沒有辦法呈現但是有很有意義的內容,我們可以在推薦信、CV等地方補充說明。


InVisor - 由英、加、美海歸創立的高品質留學品牌。本質上有別於全套代理的留學中介。我們以專業知識、技能和經驗為依託,將諮詢公司的運作模式與個性化教育結合,幫助你斬獲頂尖學府的錄取。在布滿荊棘的留學申請道路上,InVisor將是你強大而溫暖的引路人!

InVisor - 頂尖大學留學申請 | 留學文書 | 背景提升



