狗狗把車開進水庫裡。(圖/翻攝自Eric Jackson)

▲座位上的汪是乖寶寶,趴在地上的Bodi一臉心虛。(圖/翻攝自Eric Jackson)


美國德州54歲的Eric Jackson帶著2歲大麥町犬Bodi去釣魚,沒想到Bodi誤踩油門,將11.5公尺長的露營車開進水庫裡,Eric Jackson傻眼衝回車內想挽救卻以為時已晚,最後價值555萬的車一大半沉入水中,只能靠拖吊車拉出來,而肇事汪似乎也知道自己闖了大禍。

Eric Jackson熱愛釣魚,當地時間12日他帶著Bodi到薩姆雷本水庫為即將到來的釣魚大賽練習,他將Bodi留在車上,自己將船從露營車上卸下,並到水裡做準備,沒想到回頭一看,11.5公尺的露營車竟然正在往水裡倒車,他趕緊衝回車上想阻止這一切,然而為時已晚,水已經滲進車裡,車屁股也泡進水中。


Eric Jackson貼出的影片中,車上2隻狗狗一隻坐在副駕駛座一隻趴在地上,副駕駛座的Rocksey正襟危坐,似乎知道大事不妙,另一隻狗狗Bodi趴在地上低著頭一臉心虛,而這場「驚喜」正是Bodi搞的鬼,Eric Jackson目睹車子倒進水裡Bodi正在駕駛座的窗戶一臉「發生什麼事」地看著他。

最後Eric Jackson請拖吊車協助將要價美金18萬元(新台幣555萬元)的露營車從水庫裡拉出來,雖然車子家具泡水得焦頭爛額地整理,但Eric Jackson還是慶幸汪汪沒事,對於對自家汪星人「幹大事」只能哭笑不得。

Might be the ultimate RV, Dog, Fishing Fail....

This is not how the day was supposed to go... First FLW Tournament of the year on Lake Sam Rayburn in Texas. This RV is not only home, but also our Jackson Kayak Booth and Orion Coolers booth at the Expo this weekend... a poor transmission design, combined with a puppy dog (Bodi) who wanted to see me out of the window and stepped on the Reverse button, turned the day and RV into a mess! This RV will never leave Texas from what I can tell... Just about everything in it is ruined and the water damage to the floors and walls is starting to become an issue. We are trying to dry it out and salvage it... stay tuned.... YOLOtek provided most of the video clips...

Eric Jackson 發佈於 2019年1月12日 星期六
