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Keukenhof, Lisse, Holland


Every year, 32-hectare Keukenhof in Lisse is overlaid with more than four millions tulips and other flower species. Once a herb garden for a Dutch countess' kitchen in the 15th century, it has grown into the largest bulb flower park in the world.


There are 15-kilometer footpaths, several cycling trails as well as a one-hour boat tour. Seats for the boat tour are limited, so be there early to guarantee a place. On the "Walk of Fame" you can see tulips named after famous people, non-fictional and fictional, such as Mozart, Ronaldo, Lion King and even a Teletubby.


The annual flower parade will be held on April 21 this year, starting from Noordiwijk to Haarlem (outside Keukenhof) and will pass through Keukenhof in the afternoon. Visitors are allowed re-entry into the park after the flower parade on that day.



Royal Botanic Gardens, London, England


Over 250 years old, Kew Gardens spreads over 121 hectares, holding over one in eight of the known plant species in the world. The massive garden is carpeted with five million blooming bulbs and many attractions.


Daffodils line Broad Walk, magnolias run through Princess Walk and on the Cherry Walk the pink Prunus 'Asano' species is expected to blossom soon. Check the arboretum team's updates on each flower's status or what's on here.


Tarryn Barrowman from the Kew Gardens is keen for visitors to see the delicate alpine plants "Glory of the Snow" from Turkey's snow mountains that will emerge soon. Kew offers free tours hosted by volunteer guides till April 30.

邱園的Tarryn Barrowman 表示非常期待遊客們來參觀珍貴的高山植物“雪之耀”,它是從土耳其的雪山上引種過來的,很快即將登陸邱園。邱園在4月30日前都免費開放,並配備志願導遊。


Takada Castle cherry blossoms, Jōetsu, Japan


Takada Park in Niigata prefecture offers a romantic option for nocturnal visitors. Cherry blossom viewing in Takada Castle is one of the three biggest night hanami events in Japan. The tourism website shows you how to hanami like a Japanese.


Takada Park's 4,000 blooming cherry trees will be lit up by thousands of bombori lanterns (traditional small oval-shaped lanterns) along the "Sakura Road." "Because of cooler weather this year, cherry blooms will start a little bit later than usual," Kazuyuki Akiyama from International Tourism Office of Niigata Prefecture estimates. "I would say mid-to-late April will be the best time to see cherry blossom at Takada Castle."

高田公園的4000多株櫻花樹將點綴着上千盞竹燈籠(傳統的鵝蛋形燈籠),照亮一整條“櫻花大道”。 “今年比往常更冷一點,所以櫻花也會盛開得稍晚一點,” 新潟國際旅遊辦公室的Kazuyuki Akiyama預測道。“我估計4月中下旬會是觀賞櫻花的最佳時節。”

Traditional Japanese food and local food specialties like yakitori and takoyaki will be sold from 300 outdoor stalls at the event during the festival. Also, don't miss the firework on the final day.



Nanhui peach blossoms, Shanghai, China


Shanghai Nanhui may not be the biggest flower fair in the country but it still offers some great sights.


Every spring visitors flock to Shanghai Nanhui districts for the annual peach blossom festival where they can bathe in the red and pink blooms, which symbolize prosperity, life and love in Chinese culture.


Nanhui Taohuacun (peach blossom village) in Huinan town is one of the most popular peach flower farms. Traditional performances are also staged. Don't miss the pig race. Chinese rural delicacies such as veggie wontons and pumpkin cakes are available to keep you energized throughout the day.


Language Output


Let's guess

1. tulips, Dutch countess, the largest bulb flower park in the world, Walk of Fame, flower parade


2. nocturnal, hanami, bombori lanterns, Sakura Road, local food specialties, firework


3. peach blossom festival, traditional performances, pig race, Chinese rural delicacies


4. daffodils, magnolias, Princess Walk, Cherry Walk, pink Prunus 'Asano' species, Glory of the Snow




