Whenever happened to me, it took me away.

It just gave me hope for one more day.

And that's how I live, one day at a time.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here.

The only thing  I can do is what I can do today to make tomorrow different.

There was a point, where I thought I could do one more, take another drink..

But it always end up the same.


One was too many and a thousand was never enough.


I got tired of starting from one again.

You know everything that I built up, and people helping me and providing for me...

You relapse, you got to start all over again..

And, man, I got tired of starting over again.



You know, It was dramatic.

You know, it's a lot.. It's ups and downs, and it's crazy.. .

And just recently, there's something..

I can feel myself almost, like, missing the drama sometimes.

Like.. I'm...

It gets so BORING sometimes.




You know i used to say I'm not an addict.

And it took me years to say I was an addict

Then I spent years, like... 


That's all I was.


You know, I was just an addict.


If you could just, kind of, accept it as a fact, just one fact among many.

That I can be that and other things.



Things that are going to build you up in the journey that you're on.

All of us have felt that way at same time.




God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.

And the courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.



It works if you work it.

















