
南陽 多益│華語電影之最高殿堂The Golden Horse Awards金馬獎







The Golden Horse Awards are among the most prestigious and time-honored film awards in the world of Chinese language cinema. Established in 1962, the awards have given recognition to numerous excellent filmmakers working in Chinese-language cinema. Past winners of the best director award include LI Hsing, King HU, LI Han-Hsiang, BAI Ching-Zue, HOU Hsiao-Hsien, Edward YANG, Ang LEE, TSAI Ming-Liang, WONG Kar Wai, John WOO, TSUI Hark, Ann HUI, Stephen CHOW, Johnnie TO, Peter CHAN and JIANG Wen. The most celebrated stars of Chinese language cinema have won best actor and actress awards, including Maggie CHEUNG, Tony LEUNG, SHU Qi, CHOW Yun Fat, Jackie CHAN, Andy LAU, Aaron KWOK, Brigitte LIN, Joan LIN, Charlie CHIN and CHIN Han.



Time-honored (adj.) 因古老而受到尊重的;確立已久的
This is a time-honored custom. 這是一個古老的習俗。

Prestigious (adj.) 有名望的

Cinema (n.) (總稱)電影;電影業;電影製作術
He's worked in the cinema all his life. 他一生從事電影事業。

Recognition (n.) 賞識;表彰
The chemist has won worldwide recognition. 那位化學家贏得舉世公認。

Celebrated (adj.) 馳名的
Venice is celebrated for its beautiful buildings. 威尼斯以漂亮的建築物聞名。

The Golden Horse Awards welcome annual entries from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and other Chinese speaking areas. The nominations and results of 26 awards are decided by a group of jurors consisting of film professionals; their deliberations take place after they view every single film. Apart from the official awards, there is also an Audience Choice Award and a Fipresci Award. The Lifetime Achievement Award and Special Contribution Award are recommended by film societies and decided by the Executive Committee of the Festival. On its 50th anniversary, the Golden Horse Awards have become the highest accolade for all Chinese-language filmmakers, and are thus considered to be the Chinese-language Oscars.



Juror (n.) 評委;陪審員

Deliberation (n.) 審議

Fipresci Award 費比西獎,又叫國際影評人獎或者費比西國際影評人獎,在歐洲三大電影節或其他國際電影節上常會頒發的會外獎項,但該將項並不隸屬於任何影展單位,而是由國際影評人協會。該協會每年都會在世界各地的電影節組成自己的評審團,並搶先在電影節頒獎大會前一步頒發獎項。

Accolade (n.) 盛讚


下為部份金馬獎得主( *^_^* )


Best Feature Film 最佳劇情片 
>>>爸媽不在家 Ilo.Ilo


Best Director 最佳導演 
>>>TSAI Ming Liang 蔡明亮 │ Stray Dogs 郊遊


Best New Director 最佳新導演 
>>>Anthony CHEN 陳哲藝 │ Ilo.Ilo 爸媽不在家


Best Leading Actor 最佳男主角
>>>LEE Kang Sheng 李康生 │ Stray Dogs 郊遊


Best Leading Actress 最佳女主角 
>>>ZHANG Ziyi 章子怡 │ The Grandmaster 一代宗師


Best New Performer 最佳新演員
>>>Shu-yau Kuo 郭書瑤 │ Step Back to Glory 志氣






